Given the great demand for professional training of PSITs in languages of limited diffusion (LLD's), the three Central European university partners – i.e. the Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia), Palacký University Olomouc (the Czech Republic) and the University of Wrocław (Poland) – decided to join forces with the Department of Linguistics & Literary Studies at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium). VUB has many years of experience in training translation and interpreting students, on the one hand, and in offering courses on terminology and translation/interpreting technologies, on the other hand.
Since each partner individually cannot address all aspects and competencies considered necessary for PSIT training in the respective language combinations (Polish – Dutch; Czech – Dutch and Slovak – Dutch), the project benefited from a supranational partnership within the Erasmus+ framework. Each project partner contributes its own expertise to the development of PACI’s didactic model. The Comenius University of Bratislava initiated the PACI partnership. The university has a long tradition of providing translation training to students enrolled in its Dutch studies curriculum.
The PACI didactic model – available in Dutch and English – can serve as a template model in PSIT professional training for other language combinations. It is currently offered as a separate PSIT training module within the existing university curricula of the Philology Departments in the two Central European universities in Poland and the Czech Republic and a professionalisation track within the Comenius University in Bratislava’s translation studies curriculum.