Filozofická fakultaUniverzita Komenského v Bratislave


Oxford in Slovakia? Barriers and challenges of internationalising Slovak social science

Slovak social science departments are often criticized for poor performance in the area of research, especially for their limited ability to publish in leading international outlets and thus contribute to the main scholarly discussions. Political science is very visible in this regard not only due to a large number of departments (16 including sub-disciplines like International Relations and Public Policy), but also due to media presence of political scientists. Analysing embeddedness of political science departments in international scientific cooperation, publications, and research the present research aims at identifying barriers and challenges the discipline faces at various levels including institutional and personal. Existing research indicates that few political science departments were able to overcome these obstacles and fully join international scientific community while the majority focuses on domestic (and regional) audience.

Duration period: 01.07.2024-30.6.2026

Principal investigator: Matúš Mišík, PhD.

Total budget: 109 000 €

Supported by: This project was generously supported by the NextGenerationEU project from National Recovery and Resilience Plan under contract 09I03-03-V04-00225.



First objective of the project is to find out WHAT IS THE SITUATION when it comes to internationalisation of Slovak political science department – this will be done within the First Work Package (WP1) of the project. The project looks at three concrete areas connected to internationalisation: international scientific impact, publications, and research cooperation.

Second objective of the project investigates CHALLENGES OF INTERNATIONALISATION that will be identified during the examination of the first objective together with the help of the existing literature.

Third objective of this project is connected to the question HOW TO REMEDY THE SITUATION. The opposed project has very strong policy dimension, not only in connection to the goals of the Recovery and Resilience Plan of the Slovak Republic (especially Component 10, Investment 4), but also to broader efforts to improve the quality and attractiveness of Slovak universities not only to Slovak students, but also foreign students and researchers.


First work package (WP1) investigates the current situation and asks questions like these: How are Slovak political science departments embedded in global academia? How much and how often their members publish in the major international outlets as compared to national/regional ones? Do these scientists regularly attend major discussion events (i.e., conferences) or they only seldomly share results of their own research with their colleagues and when they do, they do it at domestic or regional event? Are political scientists from Slovak institutions cited in the major platforms for theoretical discussion (i.e., the"top" journals) or they are cited mostly by colleagues from their own departments? WP1 will collect data that will be able to provide answer to these and similar questions. Existing but also preliminary research (by the researcher himself and his colleagues) has argued that Slovak political science departments are internationalised only to a limited degree and the project is based on an expectation that WP1 will come to similar conclusion on the basis of a much more complex dataset when compared to existing research.

The second work package (WP2) builds on these expected findings and will examine possible reasons behind limited internationalisation of Slovak political science departments. This work package develops three main factors that can stand behind the current situation and examines these empirically with the help of quantitative (questionnaire) and qualitative (interviews) methods. While WP1 will develop a database of publications, citations, conference participation and other data connected to internationalisation, WP2 will develop a database of factors that have impact on limited internationalisation. Thanks to a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection WP2 will be able not only identify these factors, but also examine them in detail.

Third work package (WP3) will look at those Slovak political science departments that have managed - in spite of challenges identified in WP2 - to be successfully engaged in international level; study solutions to these challenges in the Czech Republic and also in other European countries. The main goal of WP3 is to identify best practices from those Slovak political science departments that have succeeded at internationalisation as well as from political science department in various other countries (the Czech Republic, Finland, the Netherlands, the UK) that have managed to internationalise and can therefore present 'success stories' (i.e., best practices).

Fourth work package (WP4) aims at identifying policy implications of this research. This will be chronologically the last WP and its role will the primarily to transfer gained knowledge from the whole project to the decision-makers (at state as well as university level) and broader public. It will focus on aggregating previous policy-oriented conclusions, interlinking partial implications, and provide general policy implications and recommendations for decision-makers. This WP will thus have primarily policy dimension and will serve as a connection of the project and its findings to broader discussion about Slovak higher education, its internationalisation, and policy changes needed to achieve better connection of Slovak academia to global research.


Matúš Mišík is Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science at Comenius University Bratislava. His research interests include small states and energy security in the EU. He is the author of External Energy Security in the European Union (Routledge, 2019), co-author of Energy Transitions in Central and Eastern Europe (Cambridge University Press, 2024) and has published articles in journals including Nature Energy, Energy, Energy Policy and Geopolitics. See more here.

Michaela Hrabušajová is a PhD student at the Department of Political Science at the Comenius University Bratislava and a research assistant at the Oxfordia project. Her interests include the US foreign policy and she focuses on US energy policy during Trump administration.

Anna Polláková is an Undergraduate student at the Department of Political Science at Comenius University Bratislava and a research assistant at the Oxfordia project. Her thesis is on the position of Visegrad Group countries on climate policy. 


Papers in peer-reviewed journal (free access)

 Mišík, M. Oravcová, V, Plenta, P. and Hrabušajová, M. (2024) Keeping it regional: Pseudo-internationalisation of Slovak political science. Higher Education 88 (2): 703-726.