Faculty of ArtsComenius University Bratislava


The Bachelor's degree in History focuses on the acquisition and development of theoretical and practical knowledge about the history of human society, based on the latest results of scholarly work and research, and on mastering their application in the field of Slovak and general (world) history. Students also acquire the basic competences for the creative work of a historian, i.e. the ability to understand texts of sources and specialist literature, to analyse and interpret them and to produce their own professional and scholarly texts. In the course of the three-year Bachelor’s degree, in addition to the basic historical disciplines, students therefore also receive training in the auxiliary historical sciences, historiography and other broadening fields.

History can be studied as a single-disciplinary (the History study programme) or as part of a teacher-training study programme (History combined with languages or other humanities and natural sciences, depending on the offer).

In the single-disciplinary study of History, emphasis is also placed on the teaching of Latin, which, together with German and Hungarian, are the languages of historical sources in our area. Students of teaching also study the didactics of history and teaching practice.

Students attend compulsory and optional courses, which are mainly in the form of lectures and seminars; they work on seminar papers and complete the first grade of their study with a state final examination linked to the defence of a written Bachelor’s thesis.

Graduates of the Bachelor’s degree in History will gain an overview of the main political, cultural and economic milestones of European and world development and will acquire the skills of analytical and interpretative work with texts, critical and logical evaluation of arguments and the skills of creative and cultivated oral and written expression. Thanks to the ample professional knowledge and the development of creative, conceptual and analytical thinking, History graduates can find employment as workers in various central and regional cultural and memory institutions. They can continue their study at the Master’s degree level in History, where they will specialise more closely in older or more recent history, possibly studying at the second degree in some related fields.


Entrance Examination Requirements

Applicants will be admitted to the History study programme on the basis of a general aptitude test in the National Comparative Exam, which is provided by www.scio.cz, s. r. o. Applicants who have taken part in the national round of the History Olympiad (category A and B) and came 1st, 2nd or 3rd will be admitted without having to take the general aptitude test.