Research at the Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava
Research is, together with teaching, one of the two crucial pillars of the Faculty of Arts and the two spheres, research and teaching, complement one another and merge. The Faculty of Arts is the leading centre of research in humanities and social sciences in Slovakia. After its foundation in autumn 1921 until early 1950s, the Faculty of Arts was the only university institution in Slovakia with focus on social sciences and humanities. Therefore it can be considered the cradle of these disciplines in Slovakia and new faculties and research institutions in Slovakia were later founded by the graduates of the Faculty of Arts.
The Faculty of Arts provides an unparalleled number of degree programmes – more than one hundred fifty (B.A., M.A., Ph.D.) in various subjects. The 300 members of academic staff and more than 180 students enrolled in full-time Ph.D. programmes conduct a wide range of research activities with the funding provided by both national grant agencies (Scientific Grant Agency VEGA, Slovak Research and Development Agency) and international funding schemes (7th, 6th and 5th Framework Programmes and other EU framework programmes, International Visegrad Fund, Academy of Korean Studies, etc.). The research results are published both in abroad and in Slovakia.
The research units of the Faculty of Arts are collective members of such distinguished international scholarly and professional association as the European Consortium for Political Research, the European Legal Interpreters and Translators Association, the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres, the International Repertory of Music Literature, and the European Consortium for Library and Information Education and Research.
In May 2015 the Accreditation Commission of the Slovak Republic, which is the main body to evaluate the quality of education and research at the public and private universities in Slovakia, announced the outcomes of the evaluation of the excellent research teams working at the universities in Slovakia. The Faculty of Arts is the home institution of four excellent research teams which work in the fields of literary studies, linguistics, history, and philosophy and logic. And it has to be noted, that the only excellent research teams within the social sciences and humanities in Slovak universities have been identified at the Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava.
This part of the Faculty web-page should provide a more detailed information about the research profile of the Faculty of Arts, while further information can be found at the web-pages of individual departments which include a section on current research.