Hungarian Language - Editing and Publishing

Field of Study: philology

Hungarian Language – Editorial and Publishing Practice is a single-disciplinary study programme aimed at preparing qualified graduates who have the practical knowledge, experience and technical skills for editorial work in the periodical press, radio, television, new media and the Internet, primarily in Hungarian.

It is implemented as a three-year Bachelor’s degree study programme. Graduates of the Bachelor’s degree level may continue on to study for a Master’s degree. The implementation of the study programme is provided by the Department of Hungarian Language and Literature.



The composition of the courses offered enables students of the Bachelor’s degree to master the theoretical foundations of editorial work in the press, radio, television and Internet periodicals. The graduate’s preparation is based on the acquisition of theoretical knowledge in the field of contemporary Hungarian language and literature and practical knowledge in the field of information and communication technologies, with a strong emphasis on the production of pragmatic and artistic texts in the Hungarian language. Graduates of the study programme have practical knowledge, experience and technical skills in editorial work in the periodical press, radio and television, and in work in new media and on the Internet. Upon mastering the contemporary Hungarian language and the basics of public relations styles, they are able to express themselves in the Hungarian language in a cultured manner; they have knowledge of the nature and tasks of news and journalism and of the theory and practice of editing in various mass media.



Applicants are expected to have an active interest in creative writing and in studying the Hungarian language and contemporary Hungarian society, a general cultural outlook, the ability to think critically on one’s own and to be communicative. The recommended profile subjects from secondary school that are a good basis for the study of this study programme are Hungarian language and literature, Slovak language and literature and ethics/social science. For successful completion of the study, knowledge of Hungarian at the C1 level (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages – CEFR) is required. Teaching is in Hungarian.



Graduates of the Bachelor’s degree can either continue to a Master’s degree or they can work as an assistant in publishing houses and editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, and as employees in cultural and social institutions or corporate environments where sophisticated linguistic expression is required. After obtaining a full university degree in this field, a graduate can work as an editor in a publishing house and the editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, or as an assistant in agencies of various types, in state and public administration. Outstanding graduates may apply for doctoral study.



Applicants will be admitted to the Hungarian language – Editorial and Publishing Practice study programme on the basis of a general aptitude test in the National Comparative Exam, which is provided by, s. r. o. Applicants who have taken part in the regional or national round of the Szép magyar beszéd (Nice Hungarian Speech) or Simonyi Zsigmond középiskolások helyesírási versenye (Zsigmond Simonyi’s spelling competition for high school students) competitions and came in 1st, 2nd or 3rd will be admitted without having to take the general aptitude test.