German Studies
Content and Characteristics of the Study
The student of the Bachelor’s degree study programme in Germanic Studies chooses two Germanic languages at the beginning of his/her study (in the academic year 2023/24 a German-Swedish language module will be opened). During the course of the study, in addition to compulsory courses on an introduction to linguistics, literary studies, translatology and the methodology of academic writing, and courses on Germanic and Old Norse mythology and the sites of memory of the Germanic language area, students take compulsory electives that develop linguistic competence in the two languages, as well as knowledge of the cultural and historical specificities of the respective geographical areas. Emphasis is placed on developing flexibility, creativity and critical thinking. In addition, students will acquire the basics of a third Germanic language, the so-called minor language (in the German-Swedish language module it is Norwegian or Dutch), which they choose in 2nd year. Native speakers, lecturers and tutors from the respective language areas are also involved in the teaching of both language and vocational subjects.
During their study, students have an opportunity to take advantage of short-term and semester-long study stays and internships abroad provided through the Erasmus+ programme (Vienna, Brno, Prague, Berlin, Göttingen, Szeged, Lund, Ghent, Leuven, Antwerp, Brussels, Olomouc, Debrecen, Budapest, Wrocław) or through other institutions such as DAAD (Germany), ÖAD (Austria), SI (Sweden), DIKU (Norway), Taalunie (Belgium, Netherlands) as well as through the CEEPUS exchange programme.
After successful completion of the Bachelor’s degree in Germanic Studies in the German-Swedish language module, students can continue on to the Master’s degree, where both languages and their respective areas can be studied, or they can specialise in only one of them – either in German or only in the Swedish linguistic, geographical and cultural area.
Basic Study Prerequisites and Requirements
For admission to the study programme in the academic year 2023/24, the German-Swedish language module requires proficiency in German at the B1 level; proficiency in Swedish is not required; the student learns Swedish from beginner level.
Profile and Employment of Graduates
Graduates will be able to critically analyse written and spoken speech, professionally formulate and present their own opinions and attitudes, revise and argue them, both in their own language and in the foreign languages they have acquired. They are able to apply theoretical knowledge and practical skills not only to the individual production of texts, but also, for example, in translation from a foreign language. They are able to use modern information and communication technologies to research, produce and revise texts. They are characterised by creative and flexible thinking and are able to find employment in the artistic and creative industries as well as in the socio-cultural, political and economic spheres of the German-speaking countries and Scandinavia, in the organisational structures of multinational companies, in the tourism industry, and as intercultural experts.
Entrance Examination Requirements
Applicants will be admitted to the Germanic Studies study programme on the basis of a general aptitude test as part of the National Comparative Exam, which is provided by, s. r. o. The prerequisite for admission is proficiency in German at B1 level; knowledge of Swedish is not required.