Bachelor Degree Studies

The elementary legal condition for being admitted for a study in bachelor’s degree is completed secondary education (A-levels). Secondary school study or A-levels results are not taken into account within the admission proceedings to Faculty of Arts as it is assumed that the quality results of candidates during their secondary school study represent a significant prerequisite for successful university study. Considering the focus of the study at our Faculty, candidates are highly recommended to concentrate on profile subjects during their secondary school studies. For our study programmes these are generally represented by such subjects as civics, history, geography and foreign languages (specifically English). Foreign language skills are important both for language studies and for single discipline programmes as students are expected to use also foreign language literature. For art study programmes, good knowledge of art history is highly recommended, while for the study of psychology profound knowledge of biology is expected.

Apart from the basic admission conditions, there are other selection criteria stipulated by the Faculty which are part of the admission exams. Entrance examination is considered necessary by the faculty management when the total number of applicants for bachelor’s degree study at Faculty of Arts exceeds its capacity. The admission process is systemic and transparent, based on the rules of admission procedures. The criteria and the list of study programmes offered in the relevant academic year are defined every academic year by the Academic Senate of Faculty of Arts.

The entrance examinations are carried out in the form of tests and specific examinations. For most study programmes, the faculty requires a general academic prerequisites (GAP) test within the National Comparative Exams, which is provided by the company, s. r. o. For some study programmes, the faculty requires passing specific examinations to verify specific prerequisites and knowledge necessary for an individual study programme.

The information on admission proceedings and entrance examination requirements is to be found at the Faculty website at the beginning of every academic year. The entrance tests are assessed anonymously by using a scoring system based on uniform principles. Candidates who have scored the highest points are accepted for the study in individual study programmes. The number of candidates admitted to study the programmes in bachelor’s degree is determined by the Academic Senate of Faculty of Arts every year. The lists of successful candidates are drawn up on the basis of results of admission proceedings by the admission commission of the Dean of the Faculty. Every candidate may check the correct results of the assessment of admission proceedings.


List of B. A. degree programmes offered by the Faculty of Arts in the academic year 2025/2026

Internal Regulation no. 6/2024 Specific terms of the admissions procedure for bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral studies at Comenius University at Bratislava, Faculty of Arts

Additional Conditions for Admission to Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Arts in the academic year 2025/2026, required level of knowledge of Slovak, Olympiads

General information on the admission procedure for the academic year 2025/2026

Information for applicants with special needs

Information on the studies and requirements for the entrance examination at the Faculty of Arts, Comenius University, in the academic year 2025/2026 (under construction)

Electronic application for Comenius University in the academic year 2025/2026 (available from 15 December 2024 until 28 February 2025)

B.A. program in English – Central European Studies

National Comparative Exams Information (SCIO)

Information on the processing of personal data by company SCIO and how they are transfered to faculty

Tuition and fees for the academic year

Open Day: 27 January 2024