Filozofická fakultaUniverzita Komenského v Bratislave

1-5 Index summaries (English)

HISTORIA NOVA  II – 2011 – 2

About the Miner, His Disobedient Wife and Sister in Law Dorota (The Probe into Everyday Life of the Miner of Banská Štiavnica)

Daniela Hrnčiarová

In the year 1764 Jan Repiský committed incest with his wife’s sister Dorota. They sought sanctuary in the monastery of Minorites in Levice and asked the ruling monarch Maria Theresa for forgiveness and royal grace. Consilium Regium Locumtenetiale Hungaricum received a royal order to gather all relevant information about the case. They asked for help officials of County of Tekov and Hont, but without success. At first, they had to solve the problem concerning judicial competences. At last, the town of Banská Štiavnica, where Repiský and his sister in law had been living, finally helped out. Friends, neighbours and family gave their testimony about Repiský’s behaviour, relationship to his wife etc. On account of the gathered information, the queen decided in favour of incestuous lovers and set them free.

Keywords: Kingdom of Hungary, 18th century, Banská Štiavnica, asylum law, incest



Anton Bernolák as a Symbol in Historical Memory, Public Space and Politics.
Celebrations of the 150th Anniversary of the First Codification of Slovak Language in Trnava

Peter Macho

After the Czechoslovak Republic had been established in 1918, the Trnava representatives attempted to slovakise the town. This was implemented first by renaming streets and squares, but also by organising various festivities. Building monumnets and commemorative plaques dedicated to outstanding historical figures was later added to these activities. However, the name of Anton Bernolák, the first person to codify the standard Slovak, did not figure at first among those „national heroes“ commemorated and celebrated in Trnava, although Bernolák studied and worked there for a certain period of time. Even to assert his name in order to figure among the street names was an issue. Initial rejection of Bernolák was probably caused also by the fact that he was a Catholic priest. The situation changed only in the late 1930s, along with the change of the social atmosphere. In 1937, at the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the publication of Bernolák´s linguistic work, nationwide celebrations took place and Bernolák´s monument in Trnava was unveiled. The public in Trnava long disputed its placement. It was built outside the walls of the Old Town and this fact was – without any justification – interpreted as an attempt to marginalise the national symbol in the public space of Trnava. Another issue was the public toilet, representing a symbol of Trnava lagging behind in the sphere of urbanisation and building modern infrastructure. Since the only objective of celebrating Bernolák was to make Trnava visible and to strengthen its image as a developed and cultural town, the negative publicity related to the toilet was not desirable; thus the organisers had to solve also such bizarre „Clochemerlian“ issuses. The celebrations were attended also by the Prime Minister Milan Hodža. They were characterised by the spirit of positively presented Slovak nationalism with the aim to strengthen the existence of the Czechoslovak republic. They bore signs of a visible effort of the governing power to reach a compromise with the political Catholicism. As a result, Bernolák and his co-workers were presented not only through their Slovak, but also through their Catholic identity as the founding generation of the National Movement with dominance of Catholic intelligence.

Keywords: Czechoslovak Republic, Slovakia, historical memory, celebrations, symbol, Anton Bernolák (1762-1813)


HISTORIA NOVA  II – 2011 – 1

Controversy of the Essay Genre and its Position in the Slovak Culture and Cultural History

Miloš Horváth

The presented study is divided into two parts from the point of view of its composition. In the first part, the author concentrates on the methodological and genre problems of the essay. In the second one, he proposes his own inspirational solution to the mentioned controversy regarding the essay. He perceives the essay as a third class phenomenon which is not interpreted by standard systematic methods and instruments. Therefore he tries to capture the concept of the essay from the aspect of cultural linguistics and links the essay to the category of culture. He also argues that the essay relates to the culture and the culture relates to the essay more than any other genre or text type. This is transparently evidenced in the history of Slovak essays.

Keywords: essay, essayistic style, methodological warfare of essay, third class phenomenon,essay as a product of culture, essay as a bearer of culture, Slovak essays


Corruption in the Middle Ages
Affairs of Corruption in the Royal Chamber in Kremnica

Daniel Haas Kianička

The corruption existed also in the Middle Ages as it exists nowadays. However, any such activities how we understand them today were not considered for a corruption and were not punished. Generally it is possible to specify corruption as a conflict between public and private interest. We find the corruptive behaviour also in the medieval Kingdom of Hungary, especially in Kremnica, particularly the Royal chamber located in the town. For example in the year 1426, Count of the chamber Peter Reichel tried to incorporate his protégé Mathias Ebner to the Kremnica town council in by a corruptive manner. The cause resulted into a major lawsuit in which the king finally sided the burghers. It is sometimes very hard to diferentiate acceptable policy behaviour and corruption on the high level of politics. The important economic activities of Thurzo family in Kremnica (turn of the 15th and 16th century) were sometimes connected with corruption affairs and cases of illegal enrichment. They were covered by the family itself because their members held also high offices in the state administartion.

Keywords: corruption, Middle Ages, Kingdom of Hungary, Kremnica

HISTORIA NOVA  I – 2010 – 1

Count Thomas (Temel) of Svätý Jur (*circa 1345 – †1405)

Daniel Gahér

The counts of Svätý Jur and Pezinok represented one of the most distinctive noble families in the medieval Kingdom of Hungary. Descending from Hont-Poznan lineage, they chose their name according to their family properties Svätý Jur and Pezinok, received from Andrew the II. in the beginning of  the 13th century. The paper deals with one of the most important figures of this noble house – count Thomas (*c. 1345 – †1405). He began his career in the service of Louis I. the Great as the castellan of the water castle Holíč, situated near Moravian border. In later years of Louis´ reign, Thomas held the office of the treasurer (1378-1382) and comes of Nitra (1382). After the death of last Angevin king, Thomas remained faithful to his daughter Mary, who inherited the throne of the Kingdom of Hungary. For his loyal services, he was appointed as the governor (banus) of Croatia and Dalmatia (1384-1385) and chief justice of Hungary (judex curiae regiae) (1385). In the meantime two candidates to marry young queen appeared: Sigismund, the count of Brandenburg and Charles the Short, king of Naples. Besides, Elisabeth Kotromanić supported the plan of palatine Nicolas of Gara to contract the dynastic alliance with French royal court. However, this plan was never successfully realized. When Sigismund invaded the Kingdom of Hungary, Thomas was arrested by Moravian margrave Jošt, the half-brother of Sigismund himself. Later on, he was set free never to be that politically active and influential as before. However, he reconciled with Sigismund and his former incarcerator Jošt. Thomas spent his last years on his family estates, namely the castle of Svätý Jur and Eberhard castle. He died without male heir yet strengthened the position and importance of his lineage and significantly expanded the family properties. His descendants followed Thomas's example and became prominent figures in the Kingdom of Hungary.

Keywords: counts of Svätý Jur and Pezinok, Hont-Poznan lineage, noble families in medieval Hungary, Bratislava county, queen Mary of Anjou, Sigismund of Luxemburg, Moravian margrave Jošt, Elisabeth Kotromanić, castle Svätý Jur; Eberhard (Malinovo), Moravian nobles



Diplomatic Relations between Habsburg brothers Charles and Ferdinand and Sultan Suleiman the Lawgiver 1537 – 1551 and the Ottoman Peace Treaty from 1547

Miloslav Skovajsa

Author of the article describes the main political and military events which influenced the mutual diplomatic relations between the Ottoman and Habsburg Empire since the Italian campaign of Suleiman’s (1537) up to the outbreak of the Transylvanian war (1551). According to the instruction letters to Habsburg’s envoys and their final reports, a picture of mutual negotiations in Constantinople has been created. The attitudes of both sides towards the peace based on Ottoman and Habsburg correspondence and the main reasons for the conclusion of the treaty as well as  its termination are represented. In addition, the article contains Slovak translation of the Ottoman peace treaty from 1547 and explains its role and importance in context of the Ottoman – Habsburg mutual relations in more detail.

Keywords: Ottoman Empire, Habsburg Empire, Ottoman peace treaty from 1547, Suleiman the Lawgiver (1494-1566), Charles of Habsburg (1500-1558), Ferdinand of Habsburg(1503-1564), Ottoman – Habsburg relationship, 1537-1551


HISTORIA NOVA  II – 2011 – 2

Dr. Jozef Buday and his Reflexion of the Slovak Issue

Martin Vašš

Dr Jozef Buday (1877 – 1939) was as a Member of the Czechoslovak National Parliament intensively involved in dealing with the Slovak issue. The main motif of his critical reflexion on the relationship between Czechs and Slovaks was in demanding that the principles set down in the Pittsburgh Agreement be realised. As an ideal solution to the Slovak issue he considered a constitutional and national equality between the Czechs and Slovaks, i.e. the enforcement of a symmetric relationship on the basis of equality in the Czech-Slovak relationship. He found the economical, social and cultural differences between Czechs and Slovaks to be an important argument for autonomy. In the cultural sphere he considered the preservation of the Slovak language identity a key aim. Dr. Buday did not belong to radical anti-Czech nationalists, yet he expected a just solution of the Slovak issue from the Czech political elites. Slovak autonomy would in his view stop further influx of atheistic and secular ideas from Bohemia, preserving the traditional Christian character of the Slovak society. During the period of Slovakia's autonomy (6th October 1938 – 14th March 1939), his opinions shifted from the position of strengthening the Czech-Slovak federation towards an evolutionary approach to the Slovak independence, which he formulated for the first time in his response to the prime ministerial speech given by Jozef Tiso on 21st February 1939. The fear of Hungary, however, led him to the decision to support the existence of the second CSR for as long as possible.

Keywords: Slovak issue, Slovak autonomy, Czechoslovakia, Czech-Slovak relationship, Pittsburgh Agreement, Jozef Buday (1877 – 1939)


HISTORIA NOVA  II – 2011 – 2

Economic Conditions in the Orava County Based on the Urbariums in the First Half of the 17th Century. (Urbarium of the Orava Castle Domain from 1602)

Ľudmila Maslíková

The Orava County was continuously developing from the 13th century and this process was reflected in the increased number of settlements. Except for domestic common law and German law as well as wallachian law the ”kopaničiarske právo” [“settler's law” on the special type of land – “kopanica”] was of importance in the end of the process, too. In the early 17th century the Orava County had included 63 localities and their number subsequently increased to 80. The population of these villages and towns worked most likely in agriculture. The cultivation of the soil in the Orava County was very difficult; the soil was rocky and exposed to constant floods in some areas. Important part of the economy was also the breeding of cattle. Also mills, sawmills, scrubbing-boards for for the treatment of cloth were of great economic importance. The most frequent owners of such facilities were landlords and later reeves (scultetus). The villeins had the right to exploit the soil and they were obligated to pay cash and natural benefits in regular terms (on St. George, John, and Michael’s Day and at Christmas). These villein's responsibilities and duties to their landlord were captured in the urbaria, which have become the basic instruments in county administration. According to the current state of research we know five urbariums (1607, 1619, 1624, 1625, and 1626) from the Orava territory from the first half of the 17th centuries. Present knowledge of the economic and social conditions in the Orava County in the early modern period is enriched by the yet unpublished urbarium from 1602, which has been preserved in depreciation from the 20th of March, 1836. On the basis of the urbaria research in the context of historical events we have tried to portray the status of villeins in the Orava County and thus unravel some issues of the economic conditions in the Orava County in the first half of the 17th century.

Keywords: Orava County, urbaria, villeins, monetary fee, fee in kind, settlement, 17th century

HISTORIA NOVA  I – 2010 – 1

Economic Conditions in Veličná according  to ,,Urbarium“
from the 17th and the First Half of the 18th century

Ľudmila Maslíková

Veličná is one of a few villages in Orava with such a long and rich history. The Ladislav's IV. document from 1272 is the first written act mentioning the village. The Orava region was a part of the big Zvolen´s royal county. Later, the Orava region, together with the Liptov and Turiec districts, detached from this royal county. During the 14th century they became independent counties. The county’s seat was at the Orava Castle until 1520 and then it was moved to Velicna until the year 1683, when it was moved to Dolny Kubin after the Lithuanian troops destroyed the village. Despite of all Velicna´s liberties, the village was in servile relation to Orava´s administration until the bondage was cancelled in 1848. The subject of our research is mainly the problem of economic situation, population and social structure development in small villages, which has not been a part of any social study until now.

Keywords: urbarium, town, Orava county, settlement, peasant, monetary fee, fee in kind


HISTORIA NOVA  I – 2010 – 2

Evolution of the Settlement in Lower Ponitrie until the First Half of 14th century

Ľudmila Maslíková

Nitra County was a cultivated and relatively densely populated area since the beginning of the human presence. Nature of the settlement in the mentioned region
was mostly changed by Slavs who came there in several waves in the end of the 5th and the early 6th century. Slavic settlement was a continuation of the previous processes of settlement in this area, evidenced by the continuity of archaeological cultures. Studied area soon became part of the Principality of Nitra and during the first half of the 9th century of the Great Moravian Empire. Nitra gained the position as appanage principality and at that time there is also a change in population structure. Except for the unprotected peasant village we are able to recognize the start of the fortified settlements forming, which fulfilled the function of defence and power centres. The following 10th century brought changes in population development which occurred because of the collapse of Great Moravia under the influence of ancient Hungarians’ invasions. Not only archaeological but also some local names that are likely to label their former tribal affiliation inform us about the presence of the ancient Hungarians in the area of lower Ponitrie. Over the 11th century, the area of the lower Ponitrie began to integrate into the emerging Kingdom of Hungary. From the 11th to the 12th century very few documents have been preserved on the base of which we are able to characterize settlement development on the investigated territory. Therefore, the monitoring of the status settlement must be based on knowledge of historical archaeology, onomastics, art history and patrons study that significantly supplement the written information sources. The early 12th century state population is mentioned in the Zobor Act from 1113, which confirms the existence of at least 90 villages only in the Nitra County. Most densely populated area could be found in the lower Ponitrie concentrating on flat areas terraces on both the old bed of the river Nitra up to today's Nové Zámky and the east of Nitra, which was also the most fertile land. The increase of population took place there around the second half of the 13th century and the early 14th century. In the second half of the 14 century we can say that the settlement in this area was finally completed.

Keywords: Lower Ponitrie, settlement, Slavs, Hungarians, Great Moravia, the Kingdom of Hungary, localities, letters


HISTORIA NOVA  II – 2011 – 2

Features of the Travel Book Genre, Czech, Moravian and German Issues in Kollár's Work Pamäti z mladších rokov života

Peter Podolan

This study focuses on the features of the travel book genre in the work of Ján Kollár Pamäti z mladších rokov života [Memoirs of the Early Years of Life]. Travel book represents only a minority of his literary work, nevertheless it considerably proves his interest in travelling, the cognition of country, people and local attractions. However, Pamäti still have the character of memoirs. We focused on the residences, voyages and trips in the countries of nowadays Czech Republic and Germany. That was the voyage to the university in Jena (and back) and the study sojourn, which offered a lot of opportunities to perceive the scent of foreign lands. There we can learn a lot about everydayness in the era of the first half of the 19th century especially in German countries. We try to investigate details of Kollár's travelling. He has not just automatically recorded his reflections of the surrounding world, but as a romantic writer he has enriched them via his own assessments and observations. He also compared the key issues with the conditions in the motherland. Kollár has recorded some significant events; for example the celebration of the 300 jubilee of Luther's reformation at the castle Wartburg. In this sense Pamäti present rich resource of interesting personal experiences, but also information on subjects of ethnography, natural science, linguistics and history.

Keywords: travel book genre, country description, Slovaks, Czechs, Germans, contemporary appearance of the towns, everydayness, Czech countries, German countries, Jena, 1817 – 1842


HISTORIA NOVA  I – 2010 – 2

Features of the Travel Book Genre, Slovak and Hungarian Issues
in Kollár's Work Pamäti z mladších rokov života

Peter Podolan

This study focuses on the features of the travel book genre in the work of Ján Kollár Pamäti z mladších rokov života [Memoirs of The Early Years of Life]. Travel book represents only a minority of his literary work, nevertheless it considerably proves his interest in travelling, the cognition of country, people and local attractions. Simultaneously, Pamäti presents the beginning of Kollár's preoccupation with the travel book genre, because the work is still of memoirs character. The author captured locations of the residences of his childhood and of the time of his studies (Mošovce, Kremnica, Banská Bystrica, and Bratislava – Pressburg). There we can learn a lot about everydayness in the era of the first half of the 19th century. We try to investigate details of Kollár's motives to travel as well as to present his travel experiences in the form of travel book. Kollár has not just automatically recorded his reflections of the surrounding world, but as a romantic writer he has enriched them via his own assessments and observations. On the territory of Hungarian kingdom he perceived the differences between the mountainous region of contemporary Slovakia and the vast lowland of contemporary Hungary. He observed the differences between local ethic groups like physical appearance, traits of character and language equally carefully. He has recorded also significant events; for example the celebration of the triumph over Napoleon Bonaparte's French army which took place in Vienna. In this sense Pamäti presents rich resource of interesting personal experiences, but also information on subjects of ethnography, natural science and history.

Keywords: travel book genre, country description, ethnic group description, Slovaks, Hungarians (Magyars), contemporary appearance of the towns, everydayness, Kingdom of Hungary, Slovakia, 1790 – 1842


History of Antiquity in Slovakia between 2004 and 2011

Tomáš Klokner

The presented text briefly summarizes the state and the successes of Slovak science within the field of antiquity research and study between 2004 and 2011. The attention focuses especially on the ancient history and culture and popularization of antiquity. The text also aims to outline the whole organization process that is of no less importance than outcomes themselves. It also attempts to accurate the idea of the current state of this subject. In comparison with the previous periods, the number of authors has increased and therefore an improvement may be seen in some fields, such as growth in publishing, more intensive popularization, summarizing the history of the subject, etc. The study of ancient history in Slovakia in last eight years has thus shown more than a modest rise.

Ancient history, Slovak science, research of antiquity, 2004-2011

HISTORIA NOVA  I – 2010 – 2

History Through the Prism of Jozef Škultéty

Juraj Valko

This basic study focuses on Jozef Škultéty´s life (1853-1948) and his historical activities during the last several years of Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and the first decade of Czechoslovakia. Škultéty decided to fight for the rights of Slovak nation via his historical research. The study does not try to map his extensive historical activities completely. It intends to refer to his methods of processing historical sources on examples of selected articles and deduce the conclusions subsequently. Except for historical topics, like for example Great Moravia, Ottoman rule in Hungary, Slovak national revival etc., Škultéty responded to some current social issues of his era, too. In describing political, economical, cultural and religious development of Slovak nation he referred predominantly to negative aspects, such as denationalization of Slovaks and ethnic assimilation policy implemented by Hungarian authorities in the 19th century and in the beginning of the 20th century, unfavourable situation in school system, social problems of the period, correlations between the educated class and uneducated people, etc. Specific attention was paid to relations between Slovaks and the other Slavic nations (after the year 1918 especially between Slovaks and Czechs).

Keywords: Jozef Škultéty (1853 – 1948), political and cultural development of Slovak nation, hungarization, relations between Slovaks and Czechs, autonomism, Austria-Hungary, Czechoslovakia


Ján Kollár's Articles on the Pages of Ján Palkovič's Newspaper Týdenník

Peter Podolan

The edition presents the transcription of three articles of Ján Kollár which were published in the newspaper Týdenník during the year 1818. Publisher and main editor of this newspaper was Ján Palkovič. The subject of the articles are “reports” from Jena university and the student activities as well as the description of the notorious Wartburg Festival in 1817 as perceived by a young Slovak student (Ján Kollár); the record about the “self-study” of the Slovak students in Jena and the excerpt of the contemporary academic order (violations & penalties). The transcription has been carried out according to the current transcriptional rules and only the self-evident misspellings and printing errors have been fixed.

Keywords: Ján Kollár (1793-1852), Juraj Palkovič (1769-1850), Týdenník newspaper, Pamäti z mladších rokov života [Memoirs of the Early Years of Life], 300 jubilee of Luther's reformation, Jena university, students, student life, nationalism, 1818

HISTORIA NOVA  II – 2011 – 1

Krátičká známost národu Slowanského [Concise Acquitance of the Slavic Nation] by Ján Kollár

Peter Podolan

Wide interests and practical necessities brought Ján Kollár to pedagogic activities. He worked as an educator in bourgeois families, for a short time he was the beneficiary in an orphanage, but the most important is that he approached the school education system by foundation of a school for the Slovak Lutheran assembly in Pest. At the end of his educational career he proposed the plan of the educational reform to the Austrian emperor. Kollár published a couple of primary textbooks – Šlabikár [Spelling-book] (1823, 1826) and Čítanka [Reading-book] (1825, 1844). Čítanka, despite of the compilation quality, contains several Kollar's original submissions, so it is incorporated to educational texts with higher pedagogical, social and moral value by relatively integrated disposition. Except for typical students – children and youth – the publication had also another target group and secondary objective to increase knowledge base of the people. Čítanka represents some cross-section of the knowledge sum, the compilation of the necessary information for pupils of the Slavic origin; it aimed to support the national and moral consciousness. Krátičká známost národu Slowanského [Concise Acquaintance of the Slavic Nation] contains the most of the historiographic factography. This chapter occurs in both issues of Čítanka, however, under different number and moderately changed name. The chapter is generally focused on the image of the contemporary Slavic world and its past, contains also some Slavic manual for national reflections of the youth or adults. It is written in form of catechism. This study analyzes both versions of the text (1825 and 1844). The versions differ mainly by size, by the number of the sets of questions and answers, by inner structure – not by content. Both versions present compendium of the different aspects of the Slavic world as history, culture, number, settlement, religion, important cities, celebrities (men and women) and aristocracy. The text of Krátičká známost národu Slowanského served as a handbook of elementary facts about Slavic nation which include also Slovaks. The compendium constitutes an “open source code”. It describes Slavs in bright colours and allows effective defence against the attacks on their nationality. Historic facts are also part of this defensive arsenal. The historical matter described in the first edition, presents the intersection of Kollar's historiography knowledge before publication of the most important historiography works of Pavol Josef Šafárik. There is noticeable influence of the Šafárik's crucial works as Geschichte der slavischen Sprache und Literatur nach allen Mundarten [History of the Slavic Languages and Literature in All Dialects] (1826), Slovanské starožitnosti [Slavic Antiquities] (1837) and Slovanský národopis [Slavic Ethnography] (1842) in the second edition. This selection must be evaluated highly as Kollár had succeeded in cumulating the key elements of Šafárik's concept of Slavic historiography. The attempts to promote and support mentioned elements shall be perceived affirmatively as well. Krátičká známost národu Slowanského presents all themes, which Kollár occupied himself with also in others works, in a brief and explicit form.

Keywords: Ján Kollár (1793-1852), textbooks, Čítanka [Reading-book], Krátičká známost národu Slowanského [Concise Acquaintance of the Slavic Nation], Slavic nation, Slavic history, Slavic culture, Slavic religion, important cities, Slavic celebrities, Slavic aristocracy

HISTORIA NOVA  I – 2010 – 2

Oscillating Between The Slovak And The Czechoslovak Issues In The Mindset of Anton Štefánek

Martin Vašš

Anton Štefánek (1877 – 1964) perceived the Slovak issue primarily as one of economy, social situation and culture. Central to his perception of the Slovak issue was the idea of Czechoslovak national unity, which he placed in the position of the pragmatic Slovak political programme. For these reasons he refused the Slovak nationalism based on the Slovak - Czech ethnical and national separation and isolation after 1918. In his approach to the Slovak issue he applied the then modern sociological theories. He considered himself to be, first of all, a Slovak, but his mindset was Czechoslovak. In his understanding the nation was a cultural, rather than biological, entity. He was in favour of administrative decentralization and economical regionalism; however, he strictly rejected legislative autonomy during the entire Interwar period. He perceived the anti-Czech nationalism of the HSĽS (the Slovak People's Party) as xenophobic. He pointed out that even if there had been no economical and social differences between the Slovaks and the Czechs, the anti-Czech sentiments of the Slovak nationalism would have continued. He considered any suggestions that the Slovak nation and the Czechoslovak state might have competing interests as destructive and leading to the dissolution of the Czech-Slovak state. He envisaged the Czechoslovak national unity on the basis of sustaining two official languages – Slovak and Czech. In the paper we point out that for Anton Štefánek the Czechoslovak national unity was not a fiction but that he deemed the Czechoslovak nationalism to be a Slavic, constructive and concentric one.

Keywords: Anton Štefánek (1877 – 1964), Slovak and the Czech issues, Czechoslovak republic, Czechoslovak national unity; Slovak nationalism, autonomy

HISTORIA NOVA  I – 2010 – 1

Pan-Slavism and Austro-Slavism: Two Conceptions of Solution
of the Position of the Slavs in Europe and the Habsburg Empire

Tatiana Žilíková

The 19th century entered history as a period of national awakening in the European geographic area. Terms like „nation“, „state“ and the relationship between them were bound to be specified. This appeared unavoidable especially for those nations which did not live in one state or lived in multinational countries. In the multiethnic Habsburg Monarchy the struggle for national equality of rights has started amongst all of the Slavs. This study presents two conceptions of struggle for national freedom which have originated in Slovak and Czech enviroment. It is a theory of Pan-Slavic reciprocity or Pan-Slavism from Slovak national awakener and ideologist Ján Kollár and the theory of Austro-Slavism elaborated most purely by the Czech journalist and writer Karel Havlíček Borovský. Both conceptions were based on the same philosophical bases, mainly on ideas of enlightement and Herder´s philosophy of history. The first was considered apolitical, as a struggle in the field of culture, the second traced political equality and the establishment of federal monarchy. Although they both appeared visionary, they heralded the incoming liberation of nations in the Habsburg Monarchy at the same time.

Keywords: notions of nation and state, national equality, Pan-Slavic reciprocity, Pan-Slavism, Austro-Slavism, Ján Kollár, Karel Havlíček Borovský



Reflection of Polish Question in Slovak Preromantic and Romantic literature

Denisa Nešťáková

The analyses has confirmed that there is an obvious connection between preromantic and romantic works on one hand and Kollár's ideas of Slavic cooperation on the other one. Slovak authors agreed concerning their opinions on Polish question was for instance a different attitude towards Napoleon, different cultural and historical roots, which particularly differed with those spread in the Western Europe. In contrast, strong Polish tradition of emigration, contacts with Western Europe as well as their diversion from other Slavic nations bothered Slovak authors who preferred Slavic cooperation. The most important and apparently unforgettable turned out the Polish hostility towards Russia which destroyed Kollár's and Štúr's concept. The idea of Slavic mutual cooperation presented a utopian vision of all Slavs´unity; it influenced national proud, self-consciousness and supported the effort of fighting against stronger non-Slavic nations in multi-national Habsburg monarchy. This turned out to be a strong binder of the movement representatives though constantly discrupted by particular hostile relationships among Slavs themselves, mainly Polish-Russian contradiction. In spite of continual efforts and appeals, which should have been interesting for „unfaithful“ Poles and should have made them cooperative with other Slavic nations again, the idea of Slavic universal cooperation was ruined by reality.

Slavic mutuality, Polish question, mesianism, Ján Kollár, nationality, Preromanticism, Romanticism



Region of Gemer under Ottoman Reign in the 17th Century –Extent of the Ottoman Taxation

Helena Markusková

After the seizure of Eger in the year 1596 Ottomans began to restore their power in Gemer region. In the contrast to the 16th century, their influence was applied mainly in the economical sphere – in the taxation of villages It is possible to divide this process into three phases. During the Fifteen Years' Warthe dynamic accrual of the number of villages liable to tax can be observed. Such an increase stopped in the course of the first half of the 17th century and stabilized in the number approximately 100 of the villages liable to tax. Several differences characterize the second half of the 17th century. On the one handthe number of villages liable to tax rose whilst on the other hand the boundary of the Ottoman taxation moved to the northern part of the region. In the second half of the 17th century there were about 130 villages liable to tax. After confrontation with the overall number of the villages of Gemer region, it is possible to sum up that the Ottomans subdued almost one-half of the villages in the region. According to the duration of the taxation period we can divide the villages of Gemer region into five groups: the villages liable to tax almost during the whole 17th century, the villages liable to tax in the first half of the 17th century, the villages liable to tax in the second half of the 17th century, the villages liable to tax in only short period and villages which show up only at one occasion. The biggest accrual of the number of the villages liable to tax is possible to observe during the Fifteen Years' War and consequently in the second half of the 17th century. At that time Ottomans subdued new localions which had not been subdued to the tax up to this time. It is also interesting to view the northern boundary of the Ottoman taxation in the Gemer region, where it is possible to track a gradual expansion of the Ottoman power. We registered this boundary in the years 1596, 1598, 1599, 1603, 1605, 1608, 1656 and 1680/84.

Keywords: Gemer region, taxes, boundary of taxation, villages liable to tax


HISTORIA NOVA  II – 2011 – 2

Review of the Views on the Slavic Ethnogenesis: Searching for the Homeland by Philology and Archaeology

Adam Mesiarkin

The aim of the article was to present the most prevalent concepts of the urheimat of the Slavs in scientific works. The majority was written by archaeologists and linguists, in most cases of Polish origin. Terms like ethnogenesis and topogenesis are mixed together in mentioned texts. Within the research of ethnogenesis the emphasis has always been on the localisation and chronology setting and the whole process has often been neglected. For a long time the question of the earliest Slavic history was considered as a key question of linguistic science and archaeology. On the variety of opinions we can observe the difficulties in connection to an archaeological culture with particular ethnic group. Problems are also with linguistic approaches, while one language within the heterogeneous tribal units could not play the unifying, cementing role. Moreover, in early Middle Ages language borders did not overlap with political borders so one language could have been used with several groups. The list of literature presents big devotion of scientists and a progress of methodology and level of knowledge of a longstanding topic. Moreover, some recent works show that the discussion of the ethnogenesis of Slavs can be led out from the blind alley with the help of other disciplines.

Keywords: Slavic ethnogenesis, Slavic homeland, archaeology, philology



The Contribution to the Biography of Ján Kollár

Peter Podolan

As a little boy, Ján Kollár met Russian soldiers who as the allies of the Habsburg monarchy were returning home after struggles with French army. Older works set this meeting in the year 1805 (after the Battle of Austerlitz). In this paper we try to give the proof, that the right dating of this event is the year 1799/1800, when Russian army was returning from expedition in Italy and Switzerland. The foundation of this assertion is analysis of contemporary references and secondary literature on this topic.

Ján Kollár (1793-1852), Pamäti z mladších rokov života [Memoirs of the Early Years of Life], Russian soldiers, Napoleonic wars, 1799/1800, 1805



The Counts of Svätý Jur and Pezinok during the reign of Matthias Corvinus and Wladislas II. Jagiello

Daniel Gahér

The Counts of Svätý Jur and Pezinok reconciled with the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick III. after the death of Ladislaus the Posthumous, against whom they organized several campaigns. They opposed Matthias Corvinus until the year 1462. The King appointed brothers John and Sigismund of Svätý Jur and Pezinok respectively as vaivoda Transsilvanus after the reconciliation. In spite of this act, Count John joined the rebellion against King Matthias again. Counts were punished only by a revoking of the vaivoda Transsilvanus title at the end of rebellion, even though such treachery usually resulted into the capital punishment. In a following year (1468), King Matthias confirmed possession of those properties which they had acquired during his reign – despite all their previous acts. The main reason was the fact that he planned to take advantage of their military and diplomatic services in the future. Count Sigismund showed his loyalty in battles against Czechs and Ottoman, as one of the army commanders. On the other hand, Count John III. as well as his elder brother Peter V. demonstrated their abilities especially in diplomacy. In 1476 Counts John and Peter took a part in a diplomatic errand to Naples accompanied by 800 of King´s soldiers. They aimed to accompany the second wife for Matthias Corvinus, Beatrix de Aragon to the Kingdom of Hungary. Count John led successful negotiations in Naples.
During the reign of Wladislas Jegiello, particularly Peter gained prominence as the vaivoda Transsilvanus (1498 – 1510) and then as iudex curie (1500 – 1517). Counts of Svätý Jur and Pezinok were still the followers of Habsburgs, which was detested by a major part of nobility. However, the nationally orientated part of aristocracy of the Kingdom of Hungary did not dare to intervene against the Counts of Svätý Jur and Pezinok. This attitude was even strenghtened when Wladislas Jagiello appointed Count Peter as iudex curie in 1500. Count Peter held this position up to his death in 1517.

Keywords: Matthias Corvinus, Wladislas II. Jagiello, mercenary army, Emperor Frederick III. Habsburg, rebellion in Transylvania in 1476


HISTORIA NOVA  II – 2011 – 2

The Forgotten Document about the History of Lubina Village

Peter Podolan

The edition presents the transcription of the document composed in the year 1963 acording to the chronicles from 20th century. It contains concise information about the geographical location, environment and the character of the settlement in the intravillan of the village. It also describes the history of the village from the most ancient times up to the second half of the 20th century. It monitors the economical, social and cultural development in the village. The transcription has been done according to the current transcriptional rules.

Keywords: Lubina village, historia of village, regional history, 1963

HISTORIA NOVA  II – 2011 – 1

The Character of the Ottoman Reign in the Gemer Region in 17th Century

Helena Markusková

The Slovak territory of the Gemer region got under Ottoman attendance for the first time already in the 16th century after the seizure of the Fiľakovo castle. The first Ottoman domination lasted until 1593 and in comparison with the second Ottoman dominantion (1596-1687) had several differences. In the 16th century, the Gemer region belonged to the Sanjak of Fiľakovo, which was the part of the Eyalet of Buda and Ottomans had the administration and military garrisons in the area. After the seizure of Eger in 1596, they had gradually restored their domination also in the Gemer region, however without any administration or military garrisons at this time. In that period, the organisation of the conquered territory changed as well and Gemer region became the part of the newly established Viyalet of Eger. Viyalet was divided into four Sanjaks: Hatvan, Solnok, Szeged and Fiľakovo. The territory of the southeast Slovakia belonged to the Sanjak of Fiľakovo, Ottomans left its name unchanged, although the Fiľakovo castle was controlled by the the emperor of Austria. The formation of the condominium, which is characteristic by the double taxation, administration and jurisdiction, complicate exact demarcation of the border of Ottoman Empire in the southeast Slovakia. The border, demarcated in the peace treaties, did not respond to the real condition and Ottomans collected taxes in much larger territory. Following the archive documents we can describe the measure of the Ottoman taxation in the Gemer region. In the year 1656 109 communities paid taxes to the Ottomans, at the end of the Ottoman domination in years 1680-1684 131 of such communities are known.

Keywords: Sanjak of Fiľakovo, Viyalet of Eger, Ottoman, boundary of taxation, condominium

HISTORIA NOVA  II – 2011 – 1
The Evolution of Jozef Tiso's Perception of the Slovak Issue in 1920 – 1938

Martin Vašš

Jozef Tiso (1887-1947) understood the Slovak issue as an ethnic problem based on the issue of recognising the self-determination of the Slovak nation. Before the Treaty of Munich, he perceived the solution of the Slovak issue exclusively within the framework of the Czechoslovak Republic (CSR); namely in acknowledging the self-determination of the Slovak nation and in the autonomy of Slovakia based on the principles stated in the Pittsburgh Agreement. He perceived autonomy as a realization of the Slovak national sovereignty, seeking a minimal form of Slovak statehood. In his view, Slovak autonomy was also a pre-requisite for economic growth in Slovakia. Until 1938 he was proposing such solutions to the Slovak issue which did not require amending the constitution. These proposals concerned either the extending of the powers of the local authorities or since 1935, the following four demands: the recognition of the Slovak nation's self-determination, amending the language law, the establishment of a Slovak parliament with primary law-making powers and of a ministry for Slovakia. After the Munich Treaty, Josef Tiso decided to press for the federative model of solving the Slovak issue in the third proposal by the Hlinka's Slovak People's Party (HSLS) on the 5th of June 1938. Apart from attempting to ensure the integrity of Slovakia in case of the dissolution of the Republic by establishing contacts with Hungary and Poland (29th September 1938), he did not consider an independent Slovakia as an option and he sought the solution of the Slovak issue within the CSR.

Keywords: Jozef Tiso (1887-1947), Slovak issue, Czechoslovak republic, Czechoslovak national unity, Slovak nationalism, autonomy, federacy

HISTORIA NOVA  I – 2010 – 2

The First Siege of Vienna (27th September – 15th October 1529)

Tomas Maier

The article deals with the first siege of Vienna by the Turks that took place in the autumn of 1529. The paper explains the conditions of and reasons for the military activities of the Ottomans in Central and South-eastern Europe, and in the former territory of the Kingdom of Hungary at the beginning of the 16th century from the perspective of pan-European situation, which influenced the rise of the Habsburgs and the French power politics. Based on available sources and historical synthesis, the author outlines the diplomatic processes of the European state coalitions in the battle for supremacy on the Old Continent and in the Mediterranean and then compares the military-tactical positions of the opponents. He traces the course of the second campaign of Suleiman (the campaign in the summer of 1526, which ended with the Battle of Mohács is considered to be the first one) concluding with the siege of Vienna. A key aspect of the study is its definition of the role of the Habsburgs, both Ferdinand I and Charles V in defending Central Europe against the Ottoman Turks and in stabilizing the situation in the Kingdom of Hungary. The article devotes special attention to the so called St. Michael's week in 1530, immediately following the siege of Vienna, which had disastrous consequences for the territory of present-day Slovakia.

Keywords: the first siege of Vienna by the Turks, the Habsburgs, Ferdinand I, Charles V, Ottomans, Suleiman I, Niklas von Salm

HISTORIA NOVA  I – 2010 – 1

The International Aspect of the Split of the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic

Andrej Mongiello

At the end of 80s and at the beginning of 90s of the 20th century significant political, economical, social and cultural transition of state and society took place in the Middle and Eastern Europe. After the fall of the Communist regime, which desired to monopolize power; a space for definitions of new priorities of political subjects in the post-communist states was created. Not only the state but citizens in particular, civic society and nations had been entering the political area. As a result of implementing the rights and interests by subjects originally marginalized, certain non-sustainability of the common political will and power was disclosed. In many cases this situation resolved in the decomposition or even split of complex states. Such process can be traced down as well in the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic. The transformation of state power from federative to national level was crucial for guarantees of international duties, which had been one of the cornerstones of the political and legal order of the CSFR. At the beginning the Slovak Republic was not seen as a very predictable player of international policy. This point of view was connected with the perception of the international community for which the Czech Republic was the primary successor of the CSFR, disposing with higher level of political, institutional and diplomatic framework than the Slovak Republic. During the period of more intensive integration of the Slovak Republic into Euro-Atlantic structures its credibility in the international community started to grow. The Slovak Republic was very successful in the fulfilment of criteria important to acquire full membership of the state in the EU and NATO. In 2004 the Slovak Republic became the member of the EU and NATO. The finished emancipation process of the Czech and the Slovak Republic with other members of both international (transnational) organizations underlines a story of success of both countries.

Keywords: split of the CSFR, foreign policy, international community, Euro-Atlantic integration, principles of international law, Slovak-Hungarian relations,right for auto-determination of the Slovak nation, nationalism, 1993

HISTORIA NOVA  I – 2010 – 1

The Involvement of Businessmen in Public Life and in Forms of Charity
in Hungary in the 19th Century: A Historiographical Survey

Judit Pál

This study surveys the problem of the public involvement of the businessmen in the 19th century in the Hungarian historiography. Philantropy, arts patronage, and charitable actions were an integral part of the „life strategy“ of the economic elite. Apart from the business performances, charitable activities played an ever-increasing role in the gaining of public respect. If earlier charity had been considered a religious–moral obligation, in the 19th century it was deemed a prerequisite in the pursuit of the common good. The acceptance of a role in the public life steadily turned into an obligation, and there was a conviction that wealthy and outstanding citizens had to contribute to the alleviation of social tensions.

Kingdom of Hungary, business elites, public engagement, philantropy, patronage, historiographical survey


The Legacy of Ján Kollár to the Slovak Historiography

Peter Podolan

Ján Kollár belonged to the specific generation of Panslavia, and his national sentiment was formed by such influences as the Slovak nationality, affiliation to the evangelic religion, the latin characteristics of education in theKingdom of Hungary, study at the university in Jena and a long stay outside Slovakia. Historism and historiography themes appeared already in his early writings. The works of Ján Kollár contain a huge amount of historical facts however none of them are in fact historiographic. Kollár included the elements of historism in his sermons, poetry and pedagogical letters. He was interested mainly in the earliest history of Slavs. As a scholar he started analyzing this issue between 1826 – 1830 when he completed his first works on the origin of national names: Ableitung und Erklärung den National – Namens Magyar (1827) and Rozprawy o Gmenách, počátkách i starožitnostech národu Slawského a geho kmenů (1830). Because of the big number of historical facts in his poetry book Slávy dcera (1824 – 1852), he was obliged to publish Výklad čili přímětky a vysvětlivky ku Slávy dceře (1832) – explanatory notes and the edition of historical sources. Even his cultural-political letters O literárnej vzájomnosti medzi rozličnými kmeňmi a nárečiami slovanského národa (1836, 1844) contain some historical data. In his next scholarly work Sláwa Bohyně a původ gména Slawuw čili Slawjanuw w listech k welectenému příteli panu P. J. Šafarjkovi od Jana Kollára s přjdawky srownalost indického a slawského žiwota, řeči a bájeslowj ukazugjcjmi (1839) Kollár depicts the analogy between the Slavs and Indians, based mostly on mythology. The national name of the Slavs is originated from a fictitious goddess. In his last years he dedicated himself to archaeology and became the profesor of archaeology at the university in Vienna in 1849. At this period he focused on the question of slavic settlements in Italy which he concluded with the publishing of Staroitalia slavjanská aneb objevy a důkazy živlů slavských v zeměpisu, v dějinách a v bájesloví, zvláště v řeči a literatuře nejdávnejších vlaských a sousedních kmenů, ze kterých je zřejmo, že mezi prvotními osadníky a obyvateli této krajiny i Slavjané nad jiné četnější byli (1853). At the same time he also dealt with the so called idols of Prilwitz – this work „Die Götter Rhetras“ čiže Bohové z Retry čili Bájeslovné starožitnosti Slovanů a zčásti i Germánů v severní Evropě has never been published, not even posthumously. Kollár has never been considered a scholar despite his best efforts and widespread knowledge from the field of history.

Keywords: Ján Kollár (1793-1852), historiography, Slavic history of Slavs, history of Slovaks

HISTORIA NOVA  I – 2010 – 1

The Life And Work of Juraj Križanić

Mária Tarabová

Juraj Križanić was a Roman Catholic priest and a scholar who became an early advocate of Pan-Slavism as well as the program of cultural and social reform in Russia that foreshadowed the reforms made by Peter I the Great, who ruled from 1682 to 1725. Križanić studied at various theological seminaries in Europe before going to Rome. He was trained to be a missionary converting the Orthodox Slavs to Roman Catholicism and has made a short expedition to Moscow to promote the unification of the two churches (1647). After he had returned from Russia, Križanić developed the idea of uniting all the Slav peoples in a single political entity centred in Moscow, a scheme that prompted his second trip to Moscow in 1659. Concealing his priestly profession, he offered his services to Tsar Alexis and was hired to undertake a study of Slavic grammar. But in January 1661, for unknown reasons, he was banished to Tobolsk in Siberia. He was provided with a substantial state stipend, however, and for the next 15 years he remained there, writing nine books on political, economic, religious, linguistic, and philosophical topics. Among them there are valuable philological works Grammatichno izkazanye ob russkom yaziku (“Grammatical Instruction on the Russian Language”), which advocates political unity among the Slavs through linguistic unity, and Politika ili razgovor ob vladatelystvu (“Politics; or, a Discourse on Government”), which criticizes the Muscovite government, outlines reforms based on education and on certain elements of Western culture, and advocates the union of all Slavs under the improved Russian state. After Tsar Fyodor III succeeded Alexis in 1676, Križanić was allowed to return to Moscow and went to Western Europe (March 1677). He died during the Turkish siege of Vienna while on a journey to Rome. His works, which remained in the possession of the Russian tsars, influenced the ruling circles of Russia and helped to prepare the widespread reforms, patterned on western European examples, that Peter I later introduced.

Keywords: Juraj Križanić (1617? – 1683), Pan-Slavism, Slavic unification, cultural and social reform in Russia


HISTORIA NOVA  II – 2011 – 2

The Occasional Poems of Ján Hollý

Peter Mráz

The article deals with the occasional poetry of Ján Hollý. It supports the idea of the author to disguise the occasional character of his poetry in order to produce the work of aesthetically valuable texts. The suggested hypothesis is expanded by the assumption that Hollý fulfilled this intention using the contrastive construction of the texts of his occasional poems; creating the subject involved in depicted topics; and overcoming the occasion which prompted the birth of a particular text. The aim of our work is to find out if these ways of suppressing the occasional character of the poems actually applied in Hollý’s poetry and if these ways helped him create aesthetically valuable texts.

Keywords: occasional poem, poem analysis, poem topics, Ján Hollý (1785 – 1849)


HISTORIA NOVA  I – 2010 – 1

The Political Aspects of the Activity of Ján Kollár

Peter Podolan

This fundamental study focuses on the political aspects of the activity of Ján Kollár (1793 – 1852). It summarizes definitions of the notion „politics“ and its relationship towards Kollár’s scheme of the Slavic literary or language unification. In the next step of his vision unification of the all Slavic branches (tribes) into one single nation should follow. This ought to be manifested in the formation of the immense state of the all Slavic people on the territory spanning from Alaska to Germany and from Novaya Zemlya to the Balkan Peninsula. Kollár counted on the national Slavic government and on the participation of the originally Slavic aristocracy in it, the state form was supposed to be some kind of monarchy. Special Slavic feudalism opposite to its German pendant should be founded on the principles of the ancient Slavic democracy and new model of humanity. Such programme could not be and was not freely presented. Its reception was necessary to search for in the big number of the fragments in various Kollár’s works – scholarly writings, sermons or poetry, but also in the correspondence of him and his contemporaries. Beside virtual representation of the Kollár’s conception, the study sums up briefly Kollár’s participation on the real political performance in the service of government.

Keywords: notions of politics, Pan-Slavism, Slavic nation, national unification, Ján Kollár (1793 – 1852), Habsburg Empire, 1820 – 1852

HISTORIA NOVA  I – 2010 – 2

The Presence of The Mariáši In Gemer In The Context of Litigation With The Bubeks
And The Lords of Štítnik On Property of The Possessions Brzotín And Krásna Hôrka

Eva Benková

In the year 1243, the members of the Hungarian high nobility, Filip and Detrik obtained the possession Brzotín in the Rožňava Basin from the King Belo the IV. for loyal service and military merit. However, Detrik´s descendants lost this rich metalliferous territory under dubious circumstances in the second half of the 13th century. By deed dated 1293 Mark from the noble family Mariáši of Spiš became the owner of this possession on the basis of his marriage to the daughter of Tekuš. In the beginning of the 14th century, the Bubeks and the Lords of Štítnik have begun to claim their original possession. The prolonged litigation caused the unresolved question of territorial boundaries of the Brzotín´s possession and of proprietary rights. In the years 1352 – 1353 the Bubek´s and the Lords of Štítnik obtained the castle Krásna Hôrka and the villages Krásnohorské Podhradie, Slavec, Rakovnica, Krásnohorská Dlhá Lúka, Pača and Jovice under the law order. The conflict between the noble families was renewed due to the unauthorized use of forests and pastures on the Plešivecká plateau, where were the landmarks. In the twenties of the 15 th century the last owner of the Brzotín´s domain died and the possession should be inherited by his relatives. However, the King Sigismund gave this possession in use of the Bubeks. The Spiš nobles demonstrated their inheritance rights in the second half of the 15th century.

Keywords: the noble families Mariáši, Bubek, the Lords of Štítnik, lawsuit on possessions Brzotín and Krásna Hôrka, Gemer county,  territorial boundaries of the Brzotín´s possession, judicial protests, succession, the settlement and the founding of new villages

HISTORIA NOVA  II – 2011 – 1

The Primary Chronicle (Tale of Bygone Years) and its Concept of „Slavic Land“

Nora Verešová

The study acquaints with Kievan Rus' annals tradition, which bears the precious testimony about the oldest history of the Eastern Slavs and thus about history of the Slavs in general. The edition of the oldest Rus' annals, known in historiography under various names as Povest vremennykh let [Tale of Bygone Years] or Primary Chronicle, was created gradually during the 11th and the beginning of the 12th century. It also contains the most archaic part, which belongs to the Moravian erudite tradition of the 9th and the beginning of the 10th century. It describes history of the Slavs settled on the Danube river – from this area they had to divide into other parts of Europe and preserve the consciousness of the original unit. This most ancient Slavic motherland on the Danube river, Slovenskaya zemlya [Slavic land], was later occupied by Hungarians and consequently it was renamed to “Hungary”. The idea of the ethno-cultural unity of the Slavs, rooted in
the Slavs themselves openly resonates for the very first time much later in the Primary Chronicle, which has fixed the archaic (West) Slavic tradition about the original Slavic motherland on the Danube.

Keywords: Primary Chronicle, Tale of Bygone Years, Slavs, Slavic ethno genesis, Slavic (mother)land


HISTORIA NOVA  II – 2011 – 2

The Rise of the House by Count George of Svätý Jur and Pezinok in the Services of the King Albrecht of Habsburg and Elisabeth of Luxembourg (1438 – 1442)

Daniel Gahér

Count George of Svätý Jur and Pezinok was a loyal supporter of the Hungarian King Albrecht of Habsburg as well as of his wife, Elisabeth of Luxembourg. He received the title of Visegrád castellan and also became the keeper of the royal crown for his faithful services. He held various offices during the reign of the first Habsburg on the throne of the Kingdom of Hungary: as for instance being the royal cup-bearer, then cup-bearer of the queen and the Comes of Hont and Novohrad respectively. Count George was forced to leave his position as the Visegrád castellan as well as the crown-keeper by some of magnates after the sudden death of Albrecht during the unsuccessful campaign against the Ottomans in October, 1439. Meanwhile, the widowed Queen tried to secure the throne for her son Ladislas, born four months after his father’s death. Being not even three months old, Ladislas was crowned in May 1440, although the majority of the nobility elected Polish King Vladislav III. Jagiello to be the King of the Hungarian Kingdom. They considered him to be a promising leader for the forthcoming campaign against Ottomans. During the dual Habsburg-Jagellonian reign in years 1440 – 1442, count George defended the claims of Ladislas Posthumous against the anti-King Vladislav´s supporters in a military manner as well. This resulted also into several invasions in the lands of the family of Counts of Svätý Jur and Pezinok. In the spring of 1442, Count George defeated Vladislav´s retreating army near Bratislava, which contributed to a subsequent peace treaty. Despite the military conflict, Count George managed to increase his dominion considerably, thanks to his marriage to Silesian Princess Judith of Opava, from one of Přemyslids´ branches. He also secured following rise of his house due to his unwavering political and military support for Ladislas Posthumous (or later Ladislas V, 1453 – 1457).

Keywords: Kingdom of Hungary, 15th century, house of counts of Svätý Jur and Pezinok, George of Svätý Jur and Pezinok, King Albrecht of Habsburg, queen Elisabeth of Luxembourg, Polish King Vladislav III. Jagiello, dual Habsburg-Jagellonian reign (1440 – 1442)



The School and Church situation in Kysuce Region Annexed by Poland in 1938

Pavol Matula

Year 1938, so fatal for the Czechoslovak Republic, befell most heavily on the borderline regions such as the upper Kysuce. Poland had been claiming this area without any success since 1918. On November 1, 1938, Poland sent a diplomatic note to the Czechoslovak government demanding a territorial withdrawal of the northern Slovakia, including the part of Kysuce. The Kysuce region was in a specific situation. Not entire villages but only their parts were taken. Such situations occured in the villages of Svrčinovec, Čierne and Skalité. This fact subsequently determined the issues that the Polish state and even more the Church administration had to face. Actually, there were no churches on the Polish side and the only school was in Svrčinovec. The children did not want to attend Polish schools. Polish teachers tried to get them by giving them food and sweets but not very successfully. Katowice diocese headed by Stanislaw Adamski tried to finish the church construction in Svrčinovec and they also planned to build a new one in Skalité. Even Silesian Duke Michał Grażyński was involved. Katowice diocese at the same time strived to establish an independent parish in this area with a new Polish priest. One of the main motifs was to prevent unwanted influences on believers from the other side of the border. This was not accomplished until the summer 1939. However, the Polish side did not manage to complete the church in Svrčinovec nor build a new one in Skalité because the Second World War broke out on September 1, 1939.

Keywords: Slovak-Polish border(land), Slovak-Polish relations 1938-1939, delimitation, northern Kysuce region, Skalité, Svrčinovec, Čierne, Polish schools in Kysuce region, Katowice bishop Stanislaw Adamski, Silesian Duke Michał Grażyński, church in Svrčinovec

HISTORIA NOVA  I – 2010 – 1

The Social Conditions in Nové Zámky in the Time of the Ottoman Occupation (1663-1685)

Helena Markusková

The article focuses on selected spheres of influence of the Ottoman attendance on life in Nové Zámky in the time of existence of the eyalet of Nové Zámky. It also deals with short-time and long-time consequences of this fact. Firstly, the study reconstructs the architectonic rebuilding of Nové Zámky, which modified the appearance of the city according to the requirements of administration, trade and cultural centre. Consequently, it takes interest in the transformations of the amount of population of Nové Zámky and the impact on national structure in the period before, during and directly after the Ottoman domination. Finally, it pursues the condition of the life of slaves and women during the existence of the eyalet of Nové Zámky.

Keywords: Ottoman occupation, fortress Nové Zámky, population, living conditions, architectural rebuilding, nationality, slaves


HISTORIA NOVA  II – 2011 – 2

The urbar of the Červený kameň (Red Stone) Castle Domain of 22. October 1559

Eva Benková

The urbaria (urbars) of the feudal domains inform about the relation between the lords and the serfs. They are one of the basic instruments of the economic administration. We distinguish three types of the urbars: the urbaria, which include the list of names of the serfs, their obligations (the feudal rent), the farm buildings (mills, farmsteads), list of the vineyards, meadows, fields; the urbarial registers; the accounting regulations. In general, we denote these documents as urbaria. For the Červený kameň Castle domain four the urbars from the 16th and 17th century (from the years 1543, 1559, 1598,1660) are preserved. We present the urbarial register, which was to instruct the Hungarian Chamber in the year 1559. Due to insufficient knowledge of the home conditions is this urbar incomplete.
The urbar is stored in the National Archives of Hungary in the archival fond Urbaria et Conscriptiones. It is written in Latin. The transcription has been done according to the transcriptional rules of the written sources from the modern times.

Keywords: Červený kameň Castle domain, urbaria (urbars), economic administration, feudal rente, serfs, landlords


HISTORIA NOVA  II – 2011 – 2

The Urbaria of the Červený Kameň (Red Stone) Castle Domain from the 16th and 17th Century as the Sources to the History of Viticulture

Eva Benková

The domain of the Červený kameň Castle is situated on the foot of the Small Carpathians. This renowned wine region belonged to the important producers of the quality wine in Hungary in the early modern period. During the 16th and 17th century the owners were the Fugger and Pálffy families. The urbaria (the basic documents of the administration of the domain) provide the complete picture about the economic and social conditions of the serfs. According to our knowledge four urbaria from the years 1543, 1559, 1599 and 1660 are preserved. They talk about the basic taxes (for the lords and the church), special vineyard fees (Kueffengab, Dorfwein, Markhtwein, Modergaab), the fees, which the foreign wine-grower paid (Bergrecht, Weingartenzins, Strassmaut), the sale of the wine, works in the vineyards, the law etc. The analysis of the Červený kameň Castle urbaria is the first step to the understanding of the economic and agricultural policy of the Fuggers and Pálffy family. We find the answers to the questions: Who were the wine producers? How much wine was produced?

Keywords: urbaria (urbars), viticulture, serf obligations,Červený kameň Castle, the Fugger family, the Pálffy family


HISTORIA NOVA  II – 2011 – 1

Two Versions of Ján Kollár's Kraticka znamost narodu Slowanskeho

Peter Podolan

This edition contents both versions of the text of Ján Kollár Krátičká známost národu Slowanského [Concise Acquaintance of the Slavic Nation] from the issues of
his Čítanka [Reading-book] from the year 1825 and 1844 as authentic full text only fixed according to the authors original instructions in the books (Errata) and the self-evident misspellings and printing errors. The versions differ mainly by size, by the number of the sets of questions and answers, inner structure, not by content. Both versions present compendium of the different aspect of the Slavic world as history, culture, number, settlement, religion, important cities, celebrities (men and women) and aristocracy. The text of Krátičká známost národu Slowanského served as handbook of elementary facts about Slavic nation, which include also Slovaks. The compendium constitutes the “open source code”. It describes Slavs in bright colors and allows effective defence against attacks on their nationality.

Keywords: Ján Kollár (1793-1852), textbooks, Čítanka [Reading-book], Krátičká známost národu Slowanského [Concise Acquaintance of the Slavic Nation], Slavic nation, Slavic history, Slavic culture, Slavic religion, important cities, Slavic celebrities, Slavic aristocracy


HISTORIA NOVA  II – 2011 – 2

Urbarium of the Orava Castle Domain from the year 1602

Ľudmila Maslíková

From a formal viewpoint the urbaria are very important historical material with high explanatory power. It is particularly important for providing information about a broad range of social life with a high degree of credibility since they were the basic instruments in the county administration. Their formal execution and contents differs depending on the time and specific circumstances of their creation. From the first half of the 17th century we have preserved the six urbars of the Orava County (from 1602, 1607, 1619, 1624, 1625, and 1626). In addition to our edition we present previously unpublished accounting standard from 1602, which has been kept in the depreciation on 20th of March, 1836. The content has inventory character of accounting standard, because it contains information only about the duties of the serfs and reeves (scultetus) which they owed to their landlords. From formal aspect, the accounting standard has 75 folios, 80 pages and it is written in Latin. A handwritten font type “humanistic semi-cursive” was being used there. The urbarium is stored in the National Archives of Hungary in the archival fond Urbaria et Conscriptiones, fasc. 1, no. 12. The transcription of accounting standard has been done according to the transcriptional rules of modern editions.

Keywords: Orava County, urbaria, serfs, reeves, feudal rente, landlord, 17th century