Faculty of ArtsComenius University Bratislava

Mgr. Peter Benka

Room:  Š 428
E-mail: peter.benka@uniba.sk
Consultation hours: THU 12:15 - 13:15 or as agreed by email

Peter Benka is a researcher at the Department of Slovak History. He focuses mainly on social and cultural roles of vernacular languages (especially Slovak) in urban environment in the area of Upper Hungary in the early modern period. His research interests include early modern cultural, religious and intellectual history in Hungary and Habsburg Monarchy. He is a member of the project team Slovaciká z bývalého Uhorského kráľovstva na príklade Horného Uhorska (1500 – 1780) (APVV-16-0374, Slovak-language materials from the former Kingdom of Hungary on the example of Upper Hungary, 1500-1780). He published studies on Franciscan sermons (Františkánske kázne ako nástroj budovania konfesijnej identityFranciscan Sermons as a Tool of Building Confessional Identity) and oaths in towns (Mestské prísahy v Bardejove koncom 17. a v 18. storočí "Slawnemu Magistratowi tohto mesta wssdy werni budzem"Town Oaths in Bardejov at the end of the 17th and in the 18th centuries).
