Prof. PhDr. Jozef Baďurík, CSc.
Room: Š 403
Phone: 02/592 44 – 321, 324
E-mail: jozef.badurik(at)
Consultation hours: TUE: 14:00 – 14:15 or as agreed
Prof. Jozef Baďurík deals with Slovak, Hungarian and Central European Early Modern history. He specializes in political, agrarian and cultural history from the 16th to 18th century. He has introduced the term Post-Mohács Slovakia into Slovak historiography. He has shaped two research schools at the Comenius University – in the areas of study of first Habsburg rulers (especially Ferdinand I) and on the history of viticulture and wine production in Slovakia (ca. before 1900). Among numerous monographs and studies are: Malokarpatské vinohradníctvo v 16. stor. (Viticulture in Small Carpathians in the 16th century, 1990), Slovensko v zápase Ferdinanda I. o uhorskú korunu (1526 – 1532) (Slovakia in the Struggle of Ferdinad I for the crown of Hungary, 1526-1532, 1998), Westslowakische Städte und der Weinbau im 13. – 15. Jahrhundert (mit besonderer Beachtung von Bratislava (Pressburg und weiteren kleinkarpatischen Weinstädten, 1996). He received several diplomas and medals of the faculty and university on the occasion of various jubilees – e.g. medal on the 90th anniversary of the foundation of Comenius University (2009), Bronze Medal of Comenius University (2016), bronze badge ÚRO ROH (1986), Jozef Ľ. Holuby Prize (1999), honorary citizenship of Pezinok town. He has received several faculty and VEGA grants, grants of Öesterreichische Ost- und Südeuropa Institut Wien – Ausenstelle Bratislava/Pressburg. Among his pupils are Peter Kónya, Tomáš Tandlich, Eva Benková, Beáta Mócsiová, Helena Markusková, Thomas Mayer, and others.