Faculty of ArtsComenius University Bratislava

Mgr. et Mgr. Vladimír Olejník

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Vladimír Olejník is PhD student at the Department of Slovak history and the archivist of Spiš Bishopric. He specializes in Church history, especially in the early modern period, with special focus on the development of confessionalization in Spiš and on the historical research of architectural development of sacral and worldly historical objects in Spiš and other surrounding regions. Since 2012 he has been member of the editorial board of the annual of the Slovak National Museum – Museum of Spiš in Levoča, Acta Musaei Scepusiensis, and since 2016 member of the editorial board of the annual of Spiš Historical Association, Z minulosti Spiša (From the past of Spiš). His most important works are: Spišské prepoštstvo na prelome stredoveku a novoveku II. Visitatio Ecclesiarum Terrae Scepusiensis 1655-1656 (Spiš Prepository at the Turn of the Middle Ages and the early modern period. Visitatio Ecclesiarum Terrae Scepusiensis 1655-1656, 2015), he is the editor and co-author of Spišský hrad (Spiš Castle, 2015), and Katedrála sv. Martina v Spišskej Kapitule (St. Martin Cathedral at Spišská Kapitula, 2018).