Studia Orientalia Slovaca

Studia Orientalia Slovaca (SOS) je medzinárodný recenzovaný vedecký časopis vydávaný dvakrát ročne Katedrou východoázijských štúdií Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave. Časopis publikuje empirické a multidisciplinárne štúdie pokrývajúce územia medzi Bosporom a Havajom, medzi Barentsovým morom a Indonéziou, rovnako ako interakcie tohto regiónu s ostatnými časťami sveta. Štúdie musia vychádzať z prameňov v jazyku príslušnej oblasti, tematicky sú venované umeniu, jazykovede, literatúre, histórii, spoločenským vedám a kultúrnym štúdiám. Všetky príspevky prechádzajú dvojitým recenzným konaním. Časopis SOS je publikovaný v angličtine, s výnimkou článkov zaoberajúcich sa prekladom alebo kritickými vydaniami doteraz nepublikovaných primárnych prameňov v slovenčine alebo češtine, pričom v jednom čísle sa nachádza najviac jeden článok v jednom z týchto jazykov. Jedným z cieľov časopisu SOS je aj predstavovať výsledky vedeckého výskumu v krajinách strednej a východnej Európy medzinárodnej vedeckej obci, preto v časti časopisu venovanom recenziám kníh je naším cieľom primárne mapovať vedeckú produkciu v tomto regióne, ktorá vyšla v príslušných národných jazykoch.
Studia Orientalia Slovaca (SOS) is an international peer-reviewed scholarly journal published twice a year for the Department of East Asian Studies, Comenius University in Bratislava. It is welcoming empirical and multidisciplinary studies elaborated covering the area between the Bosporus and Hawai’i, and between the Barents Sea and Indonesia, as well as their interaction with other areas of the world, taking into consideration source material in the respective areas’ language, and spanning the arts, linguistics, literature, history, the social sciences and cultural studies. All contributions undergo a double-blind peer-reviewing process. SOS is published in English, with the exception of research articles dealing with translation problems or editing hitherto unpublished source material into or in, respectively, Slovak or Czech—with a maximum of one article in one of these languages per issue. As one of the aims of SOS is to make known research achievements from Central and Eastern European countries to an English-reading scholarly audience, the book review section has an emphasis on publications in the respective languages.
Časopis je indexovaný v: SCOPUS · Journal is indexed in: SCOPUS.
ISSN 1336-3786
Rok založenia · Start year: 2002
Copyright: Contributions published in The Studia Orientalia Slovaca are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Ročné predplatné · Subscription rate: € 50 ročne/per year
Objednávky, prosím, posielajte na adresu · For subscriptions please write to:
Etický kódex · Ethical Standards
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Šéfredaktor · Editor
- Jana Benická
Zástupca šéfredaktora · Associate Editor
- Ľuboš Gajdoš
Redakčná rada · Editorial Board
- Wolfgang Behr, Ostasiatisches Seminar, Universität Zürich
- Luboš Bělka, Ústav religionistiky, Masarykova univerzita, Brno
- Dušan Deák, Katedra porovnávacej religionistiky, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave
- Bernard Faure, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Columbia University, New York
- Michael Friedrich, Asien-Afrika-Institut, Universität Hamburg
- Imre Hamar, Orientalisztikai Intézet, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Budapest
- Miloš Hubina, College of Religious Studies, Mahidol University, Bangkok
- Li Xuetao 李雪濤, Research Center of Overseas Sinology, Foreign Studies University, Beijing
- Lu Wei-lun, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno
- Olga Lomová, Ústav Dálného východu, Univerzita Karlova v Praze
- Miriam Löwensteinová, Ústav Dálného východu, Univerzita Karlova v Praze
- Josef Kolmaš, Ústav antropologie, Přírodovĕdecká fakulta, Masarykova univerzita, Brno
- Rotem Kowner, Department of Asian Studies, University of Haifa
- Lucie Olivová, Katedra asijských studií, Univerzita Palackého, Olomouc
- Yuri Pines, Department of Asian Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Irina Popova, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg
- Codruţa Sîntonean, Departamentul de Studii Asiatice, Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca
- Helmut Tauscher, Institut für Südasien-, Tibet- und Buddhismuskunde, Universität Wien
- David Uher, Katedra asijských studií, Univerzita Palackého, Olomouc
- Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik, Institut für Ostasienwissenschaften, Universität Wien
Obsah · Contents 23 · 2 (2024) (Full texts online)
Štúdie · Articles
- Jana ŠVÁBOVÁ, The Linguistic Aspect of the Kumamoto Dialect in Selected Contemporary Manga
- Akiko KOMURA, Cross-Cultural Understanding and Acceptance of Islam on Issues Related to the Construction of Islamic Cemeteries in Japan
- Jana BENICKÁ, YE Rong, Daniela ZHANG CZIRÁKOVÁ, Can Xue’s Avant-Garde Novels Frontier and The Last Lover: Representatives of Her International Acclaim
- Zdeněk ŠTIPL, Achievements of Inculturation in the Indian Catholic Church
Recenzie · Literature Review
- WANG Yun, Raising Daughters and Sons in Contemporary Chinese Fictions
Obsah · Contents 23 · 1 (2024) (Full texts online)
Štúdie · Articles
- Ľuboš GAJDOŠ , Goucat: Tackling Translation Challenges with Innovative CAT Tool Features
- Markéta KOKLAROVÁ , Narrative Strands in Chinese Film Adaptations of the Legend of Mulan in 2020
- Sascha KLOTZBÜCHER , Contentious Spaces at the National Chengchi University (NCCU): Chiang Kai-shek Statues and their Afterlives
- Sanjoy Barua CHOWDHURY, A Forgotten Inscription on the Narrative Study of Buddhist Transmissions in Boṅgabhūmi: From the Buddha’s Time to the Modern Period
Obsah · Contents 22 · 2 (2023) (Full texts online)
Štúdie · Articles
- Martina JEMELKOVÁ, On the Nature of Zero-Meaning Sinograms: Typology and Thematic Classification
- Nasir A. SYED, Abdul HANAN and Saira BANO, The Undiscovered Languages of the Indus Valley
- Šarūnas RINKEVIČIUS, The Maronite Community and the Language in the 21st Century: The Anthropological Perspective of the Identity
- Radek PAZDERKA, The War Changes: Interactions between the Elites at the End of the 15th Century Japan
- Miriam LÖWENSTEINOVÁ and Sunbee YU, Two “Proletarian” Novels of Colonial Korea: Ingan munje and Hwanghon
Recenzie · Reviews
- Benická, Jana. Staroveká čínska filozofia a myslenie [Ancient Chinese philosophy and thought] (David SEHNAL)
Obsah · Contents 22 · 1 (2023) (Full texts online)
Štúdie · Articles
- Patrick KANDRÁČ, How Many Jōyō Kanji Readings Are Rarely Used?
- Olha LUCHENKO and Olha DORONINA, Application of the Positive Japanese Experience for Teacher Induction in Slovakia
- Maxim VOROSHILOV, The Collections of Names, Words, and Syllables in the Pañcaskandhakavibhāṣā of Sthiramati: Introduction, Annotated Translation
- Matej KARÁSEK, Diksha in the Christian Ashram Movement: A Transformative Ritual as an Indicator of the Transformation of Indian Christianity
Recenzie · Reviews
- Chen, Li-Chi and Anna Sroka-Grądziel (eds). Contemporary Studies in Chinese Languages, Literature, and Culture. (Dominik DUDA)
Obsah · Contents 21 · 2 (2022) (Full texts online)
Štúdie · Articles
- Mateja PETROVČIČ, Adaption of the Padagogy Wheel for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
- Vít ULMAN, Manifestations of the Japanese View on Nature in the Middle Ages: A Study of a Chinese-language Poem Minzanka by Sesson Yūbai and Its Comparison to Contemporary Poems Written in Japanese
- Ivan RUMÁNEK, Was Amaterasu a Male and Where Did their Descendants Come from? A Study in the Genesis of the Japonic Languages
- Sanjoy Barua CHOWDHURY , A Forgotten Buddhist Philanthropist from Boṅgabhūmi: The Life and Works of Kṛpāśaraṇa Mahāthērō (1865–1927)
Recenzie · Reviews
- Hussein Abdul-Raof (ed). An Introduction to Arabic Translation. (Syaichon Yusuf EFENDI, Fadhli Hakim BAHTIYAR and Imroatul NGARIFAH)
- Bešková, Katarína. Mahfouzian Nights: Fate, Desire and Politics in Layālī alf layla. (Mária LACINÁKOVÁ)
- Ye Rong. The Origin and Evolution of 300 Chinese Characters. (Songren CUI)
Obsah · Contents 21 · 1 (2022) (Full texts online)
Štúdie · Articles
- YE Rong and Jana BENICKÁ, Cang Jie, Shuowem jiezi, and the Origin and Structure of Chinese Characters
- Irina POPOVA, “Family Precepts” (jia xun 家訓) as the Instructions of Early Tang Emperors
- Peter MARKO, Social Credit System in the People’s Republic of China
- Miloš HUBINA, Experience, Imagination, and Explanation: What Is Special about Buddhist Soteriology?
- Klairung ISO and Pairor MAKCHAROEN, Other Aspects of the Idea of Ethics in Liquid Modernity through the Theravāda Buddhist Context in Thailand
Recenzie · Reviews
- Gajdoš, Ľuboš. Praktická korpusová lingvistika—čínsky jazyk [Practical Corpus Linguistics—Chinese language] (Jana BENICKÁ)
- Slavomír Čéplö and Jaroslav Drobný (eds). Maltese Linguistics on the Danube. (Zuzana GAŽÁKOVÁ)