Faculty of ArtsComenius University Bratislava

PhDr. Peter Podolan, PhD.

He focuses on the period of the first half of the long 19th century (political, cultural and social history, everydayness) and history of the historiography in general. In the long term he is interested in topics such as biographical image of Ján Kollár, specifically historiography of the 19th century, nationalism of the 19th century; actually history of the History Department and Faculty of Arts. From 2010 to 2025 he managed and edited online almanac Historia nova, and since 2016 is editor-in-chief of Tvorba revue. His most important works are publications Básnik a mesto. Viedenské roky Jána Kollára (2013, 2015), Slovenské dejiny III (2014) and Svätopluk v európskom písomníctve (2013) [co-author]. Participant of Grants UK (UK/94/2009; UK/582/2010) and grants VEGA (2/0208/10; 1/0245/10; 1/0370/13; 1/0196/13).
