Faculty of ArtsComenius University Bratislava

Department of Slovak History

Briefly about Department

The Department of Slovak History of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University is a top scientific, research and pedagogic department with long tradition at the oldest continuously active university in Slovakia. The dynamic workteam of specialists concentrates on tracking a broad frame of Slovak history in the sense of the history of the Slovaks, the territorial Slovak history and other specific history specializations in relation to it. The researchers analyze the whole time spam of history from pre-history era to recent past while using a spectrum of themes and approaches. They ensure the application of modern methods of research and their results in the ongoing comparison with the results and contents of the European national historiographies. The members of the department dedicate long time and big effort to scientific research adn they are coordinators and parttakers in many scientific projects. Besides the active pedagogic function, supporting all stages of study – bachelor, MA and PhD, the departments plays the role of scientific results´ promotor and stresses greatly the popularization and spreading of its findings to the broad public. With such approach the department belongs to one of the most renowned special departments of its kind in Slovakia.

From History of the Department