Department of Classical and Semitic Philology
The Department of Classical Philology opened at the newly established Faculty of Arts at the Comenius University in 1922. Oriental languages – particularly Arabic, Hebrew and Aramaic – began to be taught at the Faculty of Arts in 1929. The Department of Classical Philology and the Department of Semitic Philology were later merged into one department, i.e. the Department of Classical and Semitic Philology. The Department has two autonomous sections:
Classical Philology
The Section of Classical (Greek and Latin) Philology represents a field of study and research aimed at exploring the Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations and their legacy especially through the study of written historical texts. It contains the study of classical languages – Greek and Latin (reading, analysis, interpretation and translation of original texts), Ancient Greek and Roman literatures, the political and cultural history of the classical period and Latin and post-classical Greek tradition (Late Latin and Medieval studies, Byzantine and Neo-Latin studies). The curriculum also comprises the basics of Modern Greek. Every year the section hosts outstanding visiting scholars from European countries who offer one- or two-term courses, deliver lectures or lead international workshops. The section provides courses at undergraduate (Bachelor), graduate (Master) and postgraduate (PhD) levels. In the area of research, the section specializes in the synchronic and diachronic linguistics of classical languages, textual criticism with a special focus on the trasmission of Greek texts, as well as on Patristics, Byzantine and Neo-Latin.
Semitic Philology
The section specializes in bringing up Arabic translators and interpreters. It is the only department in Slovakia which offers an opportunity to study the Arabic language and culture and provides courses at all levels of university studies. The Bachelor’s programme aims to help students master the basics of Arabic necessary for reading newspaper articles, simple literary texts and oral communication. The Master’s studies focus on more detailed theoretical orientation in linguistic, translation, literary and historical disciplines.
<output>The section specializes in bringing up Arabic translators and interpreters. It is the only department in Slovakia which offers an opportunity to study the Arabic language and culture and provides courses at all levels of university studies. The Bachelor’s programme aims to help students master the basics of Arabic necessary for reading newspaper articles, simple literary texts and oral communication. The Master’s studies focus on more detailed theoretical orientation in linguistic, translation, literary and historical disciplines. </output>
<output>The section specializes in bringing up Arabic translators and interpreters. It is the only department in Slovakia which offers an opportunity to study the Arabic language and culture and provides courses at all levels of university studies. The Bachelor’s programme aims to help students master the basics of Arabic necessary for reading newspaper articles, simple literary texts and oral communication. The Master’s studies focus on more detailed theoretical orientation in linguistic, translation, literary and historical disciplines.</output>