Mgr. Jakub Palko

Room:  -
Consultation hours: MO 14:20 - 15:50 or as agreed by e-mail

Mgr. Jakub Palko is a graduate of Faculty of Arts of Comenius University in Bratislava. In 2017 he defended his diploma thesis Uhorsko-české vzťahy v rokoch 1260-1278 (Hungarian-Bohemian Relations from 1260 to 1278). Since 2018 he has been a doctoral student at the Department of Slovak History. He deals with the political history of the Hungarian Kingdom in the second half of 13th century. He studies medieval narrative sources (mainly Austrian) and Hungarian diplomatic sources. He is the author of the study Uhorsko-české vzťahy v období samostatnej vlády Štefana V. 1270-1272 (Hungarian-Bohemian Relations during the Independent Reign of Stephen V) (2017). The theme of his dissertation thesis is The Bohemian Aspect of the Policy of Bela IV and Stephen V in the 1260s and Its Reflection in the Royal Chancery, under the supervision of Prof. Ján Lukačka.
