Central European Studiesof the Comenius University Faculty of Arts

Prospective Students

All students are welcomed to study at Comenius University situated in the capital city of Slovakia, Bratislava.

Comenius University in Bratislava is the oldest and biggest university in the Slovak Republic. Established in 1919, the University draws on the tradition of Academia Istropolitana that was founded in 1465 in Bratislava by Matthias Corvinus, the King of Hungary. Since its founding the University has ranked among the best educational institution on the national level and it has become an internationally recognised centre of scientific study and research. Being the most comprehensive provider of classical university education in Slovakia, Comenius University has retained the status of the Slovak national university.

Comenius University in Bratislava has 13 faculties and serves 26,000 students this year within all three degree study programmes, 21,000 of whom are full-time students. Comenius University offers diverse study programmes encompassing a broad range of human knowledge - from medicine, humanities and social sciences, to natural sciences, mathematics and theology.

Almost 3,000 international students from more than 70 countries enjoy studying at the oldest university in Slovakia. Students who wish to attend foreign universities as part of our study abroad programme can choose from 340 European universities located in 30 countries, all of which have concluded bilateral agreements with Comenius University as part of the Erasmus+ Programme. The most visited countries by our students as part of the LLP/ERASMUS programme include Spain, Germany and the Czech Republic.

With more than 2,500 doctoral students, Comenius University in Bratislava is also a major scientific institution. Comenius University participates in the most advanced research projects in various scientific disciplines (primarily biology, biochemistry, chemistry, computer sciences, clinical medicine, ecology, geosciences, materials science and engineering, molecular biology and genetics, neurosciences, pharmacology, physics, life sciences and space sciences). 

Life in Bratislava

Bratislava is the capital city of Slovakia. Its population is approximately 427,000 and it is also the largest city in the country. Bratislava lies on both banks of the river Danube in southwestern Slovakia. Bratislava is a political, economic and cultural center of the country. It is a seat of the parliament, Slovak president and the executive branch of government. Several universities, museums, galleries and other important institutions have their headquarters here. It is also the home of many large businesses and financial institutions.

The city walls and the wonderful St. Michael’s Gate remind visitors that town fortifications were essential in the 1300s. The architecture ranges from gothic to Renaissance. Several parts of the city were changed during socialism and for those curious about what happened during the 40-year communist era, Bratislava offers a chance to get beyond the generalizations. There is abundant evidence of the boldness of the communism experiment, the remarkable housing project at Petržalka, the concrete bunkers dotting the border between Austria and Slovakia, the striking UFO bridge etc.

Bratislava is a perfect city for young people. It has a vibrant nightlife and a great pub culture. Moreover, the new generations of locals are really open-minded. They are curious about all the foreigners and they are happy to make new friends. It’s easy to get close to someone in Bratislava, a lot easier than in other European capitals! Moreover, Bratislava has a perfect location for week-end trips. Budapest, Vienna, Krakow, Prague are only several hours of drive. Last but not least, Slovakia has wonderful nature and it’s relatively close to Bratislava: one can drive for less than five hours and hike in the most beautiful mountains of the country, the High Tatras.

People in Slovakia

Slovaks value their privacy. It takes a while for them to open up to and trust new people. As a result they can seem overly formal and reserved. They are not exuberant and are not given to emotional displays. Once you develop a personal relationship Slovaks will start to open up. Most of the younger generation speak English and will readily use it. Common courtesy is highly appreciated though and learning simple phrases such as hello (Dobry den - Good Day) and thank you (Dakujem) will get you a lot farther than stammering out a request straight away. Respect for any language throughout Europe is viewed as kind and thoughtful.

When speaking to someone, people maintain a shoulder length distance—social distance. Making and maintaining an eye contact is very important; it is actually an indicator that a person is serious, trustful, and polite. If you avoid an eye contact, people may doubt your sincerity. Eye contact is extremely important when you make a toast. While you clink your glass with your counterpart’s glass, make sure that you look directly into his/her eyes; not doing so is regarded as being very impolite and disrespectful.

Usually on Fridays and Saturdays young people go out with their friends and spend their time in small pubs and breweries, alcohol is allowed from age of 18. However the blood alcohol tolerance is zero and driving under influence is considered a crime and you may end in jail. On Saturday Slovak usually spend their time at home with their families.


Students of the Faculty of Arts are a very active community of young people which is proved by a number of activities they organize throughout the academic year. Almost each month it is possible to find at least one student activity in which you can participate. There are also many concerts, sport activities, debates and lectures organized by students in the cooperation with other organizations and NGOs in Bratislava. Most of these activities are organized in atrium – fantastic glass open space in the middle of the faculty building.

Students’ organizations

Ad hoc
Ad hoc is a small organization established by students of political science in 2011. Since the beginning students have organized informal debates on the current and hot topics of the political situation in the Europe and world.

Cultura Nostra
Another organization established under the Faculty of Arts is Cultura Nostra – organization taking care mostly of the cultural activities at the faculty. Every year this organization organizes the faculty ball, Christmas at the faculty and concerts of the student bands.

Erasmus Student Network
ESN Comenius tries to take care of more than 200 Erasmus students every semester with help of many so called “buddies”. They take care not only of Erasmus students but also of other foreign students.

Sport Activities
The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of the Comenius University grants access to various sports activities e.g. mini-football, tennis court, body building, track-field etc. Faculty of Arts organizes also skiing holidays for faculty students, hiking in High Tatras and also different sport trips.

Accommodation Opportunities

The Ľudovít Štúr Campus (LSC - M CU) belongs to Comenius University, the oldest, largest and most prestigious university in Slovakia. It is part of the “university village” in Mlynská Dolina in the Slavičie Údolie district of Bratislava (under the administration of Bratislava 4 – Karlova Ves). This a quiet neighbourhood near the forested slopes of the Little Carpathian Mountains and away from the city’s noisy transport routes, but it is still within easy reach of the centre of Bratislava (5 minutes by car and 10 by public transport).

All necessary information about the dormitories might be foudn on the following web page: https://mlyny.uniba.sk/en/o-nas/

In addition to the accommodation offered by the university, students may find accommodation also at private dormitories located in Bratislava, for examole:

Student House
web page of the dormitories: http://www.student-house.sk/en/

Student Residence
web page of the dormitories: https://www.studentresidence.sk/en/