Faculty of ArtsComenius University Bratislava


From the academic year 2022/2023, Department of Logic and the Methodology of Sciences participates in the Philosophy program (BA-level, MA-level, as well as PhD-level). Department members teach compulsory and elective ourses in logic and methodology of science which are part of a range of programs at the Faculty of Arts, including:

  • psychology,
  • political science,
  • and more.

The Department also offers many elective courses aimed primarily at students in philosophy who take an interest in analytic philosophy, logical semantics, the philosophy and methodology of natural and social sciences, argumentation theory or the history of logic.

Moreover, members of the Department often serve as thesis supervisors (undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate) in logic and the methodology of sciences.

Elective courses offered include:

  • Arguments in Philosophy,
  • Philosophy of Social Science,
  • Philosophical Logic,
  • Boundaries of Semantics,
  • Meaning and Reference in Proper Names,
  • Determinism,
  • Logical Semantics and the General Theory of Translation,
  • Methodology of Karl Marx's Critical Social Science