doc. Mgr. Lukáš Bielik, PhD.
See the complete schedule.
Deductive and non-deductive arguments, general methodology of science, models of scientific explanation.
- more than 40 papers
- Full list of publications
Selected Publications in English
- Bielik, L. (2022): TIL and Degrees of Belief. In: Materna, P. and Jespersen, B. (eds.): Logically Speaking: a Festschrift for Marie Duží. London: College Publications, 129-148.
- Bielik, L. (2018): Explication, H-D Confirmation, and Simplicity. Erkenntnis, 83 (5), 1085-1104.
- Bielik, L. (2013): Theory-Laden Observations and Empirical Equivalence of Theories. Filozofia 68 (7), 562–570.
- Bielik, L. (2012): How to Assess Theories of Meaning? Some Notes on the Methodology of Semantics. Organon F 19 (3), 325–337.
Research Projects
- 2023–2025: VEGA, Idealization and Abstraction in Normative and Empirical Disciplines, principal investigator
- 2022–2026: APVV, Semantics of Conditionals, research team member
- 2020: habilitation
- 2006–2009: PhD. student in philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava
- 2000–2006: master in philosophy and history, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava
Personal Information
- Born February 19 1982 in Považská Bystrica.
- Married, two children.