Faculty of ArtsComenius University Bratislava

Conferences organized by the department

  • 2023: Central Europe TAG (Theoretical Archaeology Group) 2023 The Role of Rivers: Frontiers, mobility corridors, or central place ecosystems, 9-10 November 2023, Abstracts Book
  • 2019
  • conference "Archaeology & Anthropology IV. Social marginality in past: At the margins of society then and / or at the margins of interest today?", Prag, Czech Republic (call for papers; program)
  • 26. international symposium The Early Bronze Age in Central Europe, Modra (more info; program; Book of Abstracts)
  • XVIII. conference "Computer Applications in Archaeology", Kočovce (more info; program)
  • 2018: international conference "History of Archaeology. Archaeology in Czechoslovakia in 1918 – 1948", Bratislava (program)
  • 2016: 3rd Central European Theoretical Archaeology Group, Bratislava (program + more information about conference)
  • 2015: 1st colloquium within the project APVV-14-0550 "Natura et cultura. The coevolution of mankind and nature", Bratislava (Slovakia; program)
  • 2014: Beaker Days on Danube 2014 - Association of Archéologie et Gobelets, Bratislava (Slovakia) - Vienna (Austria) - international conference (program)
  • 2013:
    XXIIIrd international symposium The Early Bronze Age in Bohemia, Moravia and Slovakia, Levice (Slovakia; program + excursion)
    12th conference "Computer applications in archaeology", Kočovce (Slovakia; program abstracts)
  • 2011: Archaologia Historica, main theme "Medieval town and its background", Modra (Slovakia) - international conference of medieval archaeology in Czech and Slovak Republic
  • 2007: Central-European Chartreuses in the Family of Carthusian Order, Kláštorisko (Slovakia)
  • 2006: Church as a Centre of a Settlement Unit, Kláštorisko (Slovakia)
  • 2005: Man - Sacrum - Environment, Kláštorisko (Slovakia)
  • 2003: Archaeologia Historica, main theme "Borders in the life of a medieval man", Hrabušice (Czech Republic) - international conference of medieval archaeology in Czech and Slovak Republic
  • 2002: History of Spiš, Levoča (Slovakia)