Faculty of ArtsComenius University Bratislava

Research and Projects

In research, The Centre for Gender Studies (CGS) thematically focuses on gender issues and is informed by methodological approaches developed within feminist theory such as the integration of gender perspectives into social sciences disciplines, and their enrichment with new themes, approaches and results.

The Centre for Gender Studies female members were involved in the various international projects, such as INPROFOOD, EQUAL, POWER, KNOWING, GRUNTVIG


Centre´s projects:

International project INPROFOOD - Subprogramme: Towards inclusive research programming for sustainable food innovations 2011 - 2013
Is Women Education a(t) Risk?2011 - 2013
Women Taking Chances. A Collection of Female Biographies
International project, Lifelong Learning Programme EU, Grundtvig. Gender Mainstreaming na pracoviskách reprodukčného zdravia2008 - 2010
Project EQUAL, Európsky Sociálny fond2005 - 2008
The Formation of the Education Concept in the Field of theEqual Opportunities Based on the Gender Mainstreaming - Project EQUAL, European Social Fund2005 - 2008
Project EQUAL2005 - 2007
Project KNOWING2005 - 2007

POWER - Promotion of  Woman in European Regions, Project Sokrates/ Grundvig 2

2004 - 2005

„GILE“ - Generationsuebergreifendes interkulturelles Lernen in Europa, Project Sokrates/Grundvig 2

2003 - 2004

"GEBIGE"- Genderbeziehungen im Spiegel biographischer Selbstpräsentation und gesellschaftlicher  Entwicklung, Project Sokrates/Grundvig 2

2002 - 2004