Research Projects
Grant project KEGA 3-3171 - 05: Marketing Communications
Grant scheme: Cultural and Educational Grant Agency MŠVVaŠ SR (KEGA)
Main researcher: prof. Mgr. Pavel Horňák,
Researchers: doc. Mgr. Vlasta final, PhD., Prof. Mgr. Samuel Breck PhD. Mgr. Danica Hlinková, ing. Roman Ivantyšyn, PhD., Mgr. Bohuslav Cross, doc. Ing. Helena Elbe, Mgr. Václav Svoboda, prof. Mgr. Danuša Serafínová, PhD., Mgr. Peter Sestak, Mgr. Katarina Štefániková, Mgr. Eva Vopálenská, PhD.
Project goal: Develop theoretical foundations of a new scientific discipline - marketing communication, the outcome of a textbook marketing communications. Therefore it has been invited to her work, except teachers Department of Marketing Communication Faculty of Arts and experts from other universities (Department of Journalism FF UK, Bratislava School of Law, University of Tomas Bata Zlín).
Output university textbook: HORŇÁK, Pavel et al .: Marketing Communications (book and Book, Bratislava 2007, 357 pages, ISBN 978-80969099-5-7)
Grant project VEGA 1/3622/06 marketing communication and media.
Grant Scheme: Scientific Grant Agency of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and MŠVVaŠ
Main researcher: prof. Mgr. Pavel Horňák,
Researchers: Doc. Mgr. Vlasta final, PhD., Mgr. Danica Hlinková, ing. Roman Ivantyšyn, PhD., PhD., Mgr. Hubert Kaffka, Mgr. Peter Sestak, Mgr. Katarina Štefániková, ing. Ján Valter, PhD., Mgr. Eva Vopálenská, PhD.
Project purpose: to confront the relationship of advertising, marketing communications and media, to create an inspiring body of knowledge about marketing communications through frequent media. Acquainted with the basic building blocks ads that are in the media text and image. Therefore, analyzing and advertising photography, advertising spots in the context of the research target groups.
Output university textbook: HORŇÁK, Pavel et al .: Marketing communication and media. Book & Book, 2008 15ISBN 978-80-969099-9-5
Grant project VEGA 1/1051/11 of a strategic process of building and brand management in the context of homogenization and individualization of consumer needs grant (in collaboration with the Faculty of Management)
Schema: Scientific Grant Agency of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and MŠVVaŠ
Main researcher: doc. Mgr Peter Štarchoň ,. PhD.
Researchers: doc. Mgr. Smolková Eva, PhD., Mgr. Olšavský Francis, PhD., Weber Dagmar, Mgr. PhD., Mgr. Vilčeková Lucia, PhD., Assoc. Ing. Pajtinková Bartáková Gabriela, PhD., Prof. Mgr. Pavel Horňák, PhD., Mgr. Banyár Milan, PhD., Mgr. Gubíniová Katarina, PhD., Mgr. Martin Šeliga, doc. Mgr. Magdalena Samuhelová, PhD.
Objective: The project is focused on the analysis of knowledge in the field of strategic marketing brand management. Based on changes in the global market environment in the removal of barriers to international trade and marketing. Identifies the context of transferability originally local and national brands to international and global markets. It analyzes the strategic growth and brand portfolio management, synergies and multiplier effects, and specifies the key factors affecting the increase in the value of brands. -Analysis in accordance with the scientific objectives of the project aims to synthesize knowledge and to deal with the effective implementation of effective strategies and identification of optimal tools for building and brand management in line with the growth of the competitiveness of enterprises.
Output: Implementation outcomes of the research project will be continuously presented primarily in the following areas: publications - representative scientific monograph, collective monograph, scientific studies in scientific and professional journals, primarily in the journal Marketing Inspirations in Slovakia Marketing & Communication in the Czech Republic; organization of international scientific colloquium or conference on FM UK; members of the research team performances at domestic and international scientific conferences, specialized seminars and workshops; Presentation of results through events organized by the Czech marketing company in the Czech Republic; advisory and consultancy services for businesses involved in the project, respectively. participating in primary research as well as consulting and development center for FM University in Bratislava and for the organization managers and economists Club; presentation of the results achieved through the newly created interactive website and through the website