Submission Guidelines

Deadlines: 28 February, 30 June

We accept contributions in Slovak, Czech, English and Spanish language.

Size of the contributions:
studies, materials: up to 36,000 characters (including spaces)
discussions, essays: up to 15,000 characters (including spaces)
reports, book reviews, annotations: up to 5,000 characters (including spaces)

Axis Mundi follows the Author-date style  citation standard by The Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition.

Additional graphic materials (pictures, illustrations, graphs, maps…) send separately, in .JPG, .JPEG, .JPEG 2000 .PNG, .SVG formats. Minimum resolution of graphic materials is 800x600. Captions or labels of graphic materials send in a separate text document. Mark the location of graphic materials in the text of the contribution.

For contributions, please include an abstract in english language and 5-6 keywords.

In separate document send a brief personal characteristics of the author, author’s professional affiliation, and author’s contact information (email).

Axis Mundi does not charge any fees associated with the peer-review process, publication, distribution and archiving of the contribution.

Axis Mundi does not pay a royalty for published contributions.

Contributions are published under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0) licence.

Submit your contributions to: