General Linguistics
Basic information
Field of study: philology
Form of study: full-time
Standard length of study: 4 years
Language of instruction: Slovak
Departments in charge: Department of British and American Studies, Department of Classical and Semitic Philology, Department of Hungarian Language and Literature, Department of Romance Studies, Department of Slavic Studies
Study programme board
Chair: prof. PhDr. Daniel Lančarič, PhD.
Members: doc. Mgr. Katarína Misadová, PhD., prof. Mgr. Bohdan Ulašin, PhD., doc. Mgr. Ľudmila Eliášová Buzássyová, PhD., doc. PhDr. Roman Sehnal, PhD.; employers' representative: PhDr. Ľubor Králik, PhD., predseda Vedeckej rady JÚĽŠ SAV; students' representative: Mgr. Klaudia Dyttertová
Personnel staffing of the study programme
Guarantor: prof. PhDr. Daniel Lančarič, PhD.
Co-guarantors: doc. Mgr. Katarína Misadová, PhD., prof. Mgr. Bohdan Ulašin, PhD., doc. Mgr. Ľudmila Eliášová Buzássyová, PhD., doc. PhDr. Roman Sehnal, PhD.
Other teachers are listed in the study plan, study programme description and in the subject information sheets.