Faculty of ArtsComenius University Bratislava

Student ID card

The University issues two types of Comenius University student IDs of which just one comprises the ISIC license. The services available with the individual card types are listed in the table below: 

 Services / ID visual






Discount on transport*









Board/ canteen



CKM SYTS (10 € ISIC license membership fee)



Commercial discounts



Pricelist valid for the 2024/2025 academic year:

Service – price in EUR
Full-time student ID card with the ISIC license 26,00 €
Full-time student ID card with no ISIC license  13,00 €
Part-time student ID card                                 13,00 €
Student ID card duplicate                                  7,00 €

Student ID card renewal by a prolongation stamp 

• Full-time student ID card with the ISIC license 19,00 €
• Full-time student ID card with no ISIC license    6,00 €
• Part-time student ID card                                   6,00 €

Information for newly admitted students

When applying for student ID cards students have two options to choose from (the ISIC visual or NO ISIC visual). According their choice, students will enter the application for the card issue through an electronic return slip in the Academic Information System (AIS). Students are advised to consider their choice carefully and note that Comenius University is not entitled to validate and accept ICIS cards issued by secondary/high schools or other universities. Provided you opt for the NO ISIC visual and later decide to switch to the ISIC visual, the ISIC visual will have to be paid for in full. For the functionalities of the individual card types see the table above.

Should you opt for the ISIC visual, do not forget to fill in the CKM SYTS civic association application form at https://gdpr.uniba.sk.

If you are a student ID card holder (at any CU faculty in Bratislava) and you will only request a student ID card validation for the 2024/2025 academic year, the system will generate an ISIC prolongation stamp fee of 19,- €. Provided you request a NO ISIC student ID card prolongation stamp, pay just 6,- €, while observing the payment instructions (variable and specific symbol). By acquiring the stamp students just extend the student ID card validity without acquiring the advantages of the CKM SYTS membership (commercial discounts) throughout the academic year. Should you decide to purchase the ISIC stamp later, this will have to be paid for in full.  

If you think that the system has generated an inadequate amount, please contact the Student Administration department via e-mail.

If you were a student ID card holder (at any CU faculty in Bratislava) but you no longer possess the card or your card has been damaged and you need to be issued with a duplicate, please contact the Student Administration department at sofphil.uniba.sk. Do not forget to specify in your mail which student ID card visual you have chosen.  

Information for Comenius University in Bratislava current student ID card holders

To extend the card validity there are two options:

1.       To extend the student ID card by purchasing an ISIC stamp (available for ISIC visual student ID cards only). In the system current students (not freshers) will find a payment order for 19,- € to be paid according the payment  instruction (variable and specific symbol). By acquiring the stamp you get entitled to all advantages of the CKM SYTS membership (commercial discounts) throughout the academic year.

2.       To extend the student ID card by purchasing a NO ISIC stamp (this stamp enables the extension of both student ID card visuals – ISIC and NO ISIC). In the system students (of higher years of study) will find a payment order for 19,- €. Please, pay 6,- € only, following the payment  instructions (variable and specific symbol). By acquiring the stamp you only extend your student ID card validity and you are not entitled to the advantages of the CKM SYTS membership (commercial discounts) throughout the academic year. Should you decide to purchase the ISIC stamp later, this will have to be paid for in full.