Faculty of ArtsComenius University Bratislava

Teaching, Research and Publications



Plašienková, Zlatica - Kulisz, Józef: Na ceste s Teilhardom de Chardin (On the way with Teilhard de Chardin). Trnava: Dobrá kniha, 2004. - 215 s.
Plašienková, Zlatica: Ekospirytualność w myśli P. Teilharda de Chardin i Henryka Skolimowskiego (Ecospirituality in Teilhard de Chardin´s and Henryk Skolimowski´s Thought). In: Wokól eko-filozofii. - Bydgoszcz : Akademia Bydgoska, 2001, s. 89 - 100.
Plašienková, Zlatica: Enigmatický Cíger (Enigmatic Cíger). In: Filozofia. - Roč. 65, č. 10 (2010), s. 953 - 964.
Plašienková, Zlatica: Undistorted mirrors of Skolimowski´s eco-philosophy. In: World as sanctuary: the cosmic philosophy of Henryk Skolimowski. - Detroit: Creative fire press, 2010, s. 73 - 83.
Plašienková, Zlatica: Critical ontology of Nicolai Hartmann and evolutionary ontology of Teilhard de Chardin. In: Plašienová, Z.- Szotek, B.: Slovak and Polish Reflecions on Historical and Current Philosophical Issues. Bratislava: Comenius University, 2013, s. 9 - 31.
Plašienková, Zlatica: Disputes over the noetic and ethical.religious concepts of N. O. Lossky in the 1940´in Slovakia. In: Religion and Culture in Russian Thouhgt. Karków: Uniwersytet Jana Pawla II. 2014, s. 49 - 56.


Complete list of publications (in slovak language)

Teaching - fields and courses:


  • Ethics, Ethics and Moral Culture;

Philosophical Anthropology:

  • Philosophical Anthropology; Philosophical Anthropology and Axiology; Teilhard de Chardin´s Evolutionary Conception; 

Environmental Ethics::

  • Fundamentals of Environmental Ethics, Enviromental Ethics


Current projects:

2019 – 2023: Paradigmatické zmeny v nazeraní na vesmír a človeka z filozofickej, teologickej a fyzikálnej perspektívy (Paradigmatic Changes in the Understanding of Universe and Man from Philosophical, Theological, and Physical Perspectives) - project leader

2019 – 2023: Naturalizmus ako univerzálny filozofický program (Naturalism - Universal Philosophical Program) - researcher

2018-2020: Dráma ľudskej slobody v ruskom filozofickom myslení 20. storočia (The Drama of Human Freedom in Russian Philosophical Thinking of the 20th Century) - researcher

2018-2020: Filozofické a kozmologické aspekty chápania evolúcie vesmíru a miesta človeka v ňom (The Philosophical and Cosmological Aspects of the Understanding the Evolution of the Universe and the Place of the Man in it) - project leader

Past projects:

- information (in slovak language)