Teaching, Research and Publications
Teaching - fields and courses:
- Epistemology; Scepticism, Knowledge and Society
Gender Sudies:
- Gender Studies: Power and Violence Issues; Gender Sudies: The Body and the Beauty Myth; Selected Problems in Feminist Philosophy; Feminist Reflexion of Science; Gender Aspects in Psychology
Current projects:
2019 – 2023: Naturalizmus ako univerzálny filozofický program (Naturalism - Universal Philosophical Program) - researcher
2019 - 2021: Realizmus a antirealizmus v súčasnej filozofii vedy (Realism and Anti-realism in Contemporary Philosophy of Science) - researcher
Past projects:
- information (in slovak language)
Szapuová, Mariana: Mill's liberal feminism : its legacy and current criticism. In: Prolegomena, Roč. 5, č. 2 (2006), p. 179 - 191.
Szapuová, Mariana: Women in philosophy: the case of Harriet Taylor Mill In: Human Affairs, Roč. 16, č. 2 (2006), p. 133 - 143.
Szapuová, Mariana - Čavojská, Katarína - Kiczková, Zuzana: The concept of equal opportunities for women and men, or how to care for equal opportunities In: The heart of the matter, Ljubljana : Peace institut, 2004, p. 103 - 121. - ISBN 961-6455-29-X.
Szapuová, Mariana: Knowledge in a social context. - (Zborník Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Komenského). In: Philosophica 31, Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského, 1998, p. 93 - 98, ISBN 80-223-1223-1.
Szapuová, Mariana: An epistemology of gender or gender as a tool of analysis In: Associazione di donne Orlando, Bologna: Orlando, 2005, p. 1 - 11.
Szapuová, Mariana: Does gender matter?: some reflections on the role of gender in science. In: Women scholars and institutions, Praha: Výzkumné centrum pro dějiny vědy, 2004, s. 749 - 763, ISBN80-7285-041-5.
Szapuová, Mariana: Self-knowledge and knowing others In: Science and philosophy in shaping modern European culture IV. Bratislava: Komunikácia, 1996, p. 97 - 102.
Farkašová, Etela - Szapuová, Mariana: Chances for an alliance between pragmatism and feminism. In: Pragmatism and values. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2004, p. 48 - 56, ISBN 90-420-1621-3.
Complete list of publications (in slovak language)