Faculty of ArtsComenius University Bratislava

Teaching, Research and Publications:

Teaching - fields and courses:

History of Slovak Philosophy:

  • History of Slovak Philosophy - Analysis of the Works of Slovak Philosophers; S. Štúr and I. Hrušovský; Slovak Philosophy in the 20th Century; The Problem of the Nation from the Standpoint of the Slovak Philosophers; Reflections of French Enlightenment Philosophy in the Slovak Philosophy; Masaryk's Philosophical Impulses in Slovakia; Nietzschean and Existential Philosophy Inspiration in Slovakia

Modern Philosophy:

  • René Descartes: before and after him; Modern Philosophy: From M. Cusanus to Hegel; Jan Patočka and the Idea of the Natural World, Philosophy and Literature



Lalíková Erika: Realita a filozofia na Slovensku: Ján Lajčiak, Gejza Vámoš a Svätopluk Štúr (The Reality and Philosophy in Slovakia: Ján Lajčiak, Gejza Vámoš and Svätopluk Štúr). Bratislava: IRIS 2010. ISBN 978-80-89256-55 - 6.
Lalíková Erika: Reflexie umenia v tvorbe Svätopluka Štúra a Etely Farkašovej (Reflections of art in the works of Svätopluk Štúr and Etela Farkašová). In: Studia philosophica 56, 2009, č. 1 - 2, s. 75 - 84.
Lalíková Erika: Štúrova reflexia Masaryka (Masaryk – „najväčší medzník našich dejín“) (Štúr´s Reflection of Masaryk (Masaryk as “the Biggest Milestone in Our History”)). In: Studia philosophica 59, 2012, č. 2, s. 21 - 42.
Lalíková Erika: On philosophy, time and relation between philosophy and literature (fragments from Works of Etela Farkašová). In: Slovak and Polish reflections on historical and current philosophical issues. Bratislava: Comenius University 2013, s. 135 - 143. ISBN 978-80-223-3465-5.
Lalíková Erika: K slovám Dominika Tatarku (To the Words of Dominik Tatarka). In: Studia philosophica 60, 2013, s. 29 - 41.
Lalíková Erika: Reflexia budúcnosti v dielach niektorých slovenských autorov (The Idea of Future in the Writings of Several Slovak Intellectuals). In: Filozofia 62, 2007, č. 10, s. 903 - 910.

Complete list of publications (in slovak language)