Current staff members profiles
Prof. PhDr. Jela Steinerová, PhD.

Jela Steinerová is professor of Library and Information Science at the Department of Library and Information Science, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia. Her main topic of interest is the research in human information behaviour. As a chief researcher she managed several research projects (library users, relevance, information ecology in academic environment, digital libraries in the frame of DELOS, information behaviour of doctoral students in cooperation with researchers from computer sciences, information behaviour of researchers, digital scholarship, information ethics). She has been involved with several international projects and published monographs on information environment, human information behaviour, information strategies, information retrieval and information products. She has authored and published many papers and presented at national and international conferences. She has been a member of editorial boards and other professional and expert boards, organized several international conferences in Bratislava (2015, 2011, 2006, 2003). Since 2010 she has organized a series of methodological workshops for doctoral students including computer science doctoral students and colleagues from the Czech Republic (Prague, Brno). She has been teaching courses on Information Behaviour, Theory of Information Science, Information Ethics, Information Products and Research Methodology for more than 20 years. She also lectured at Masaryk University in Brno and in Charles University Prague. At present she is involved with the project focused on information ethics and the topic of ecological contexts of digital literacy. She is a member of several international editorial boards and conference committees, including the international project ENWI.
Professional interests: human information behaviour, information ecology, information literacy, theory of information science, digital scholarship, information ethics, information products, information creativity
1983 – Comenius University, Department of LIS, master degree – librarianship and scientific information and English language
1988 – state examination in English language (State Language School, Bratislava)
1992 – PhD., Comenius University, Department of LIS, Library and information science, Knowledge representation in information systems (PhD. thesis)
1997 – associate professor in LIS, Comenius University, Department of LIS, Theory of Information Retrieval
2010 – professor in Library and Information Science, Comenius University in Bratislava, human information behaviour, relevance
Professional experience
1983-1985 Central Library of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Comenius University Bratislava
1985-1988 Slovak National Library, Bratislava, methodological work and research, library system in Slovakia
1988-1992 Slovak Technical Library Bratislava, research and automation
1992 – Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Arts, Department of LIS
Member of committees and boards
Member of the research agency APVV committee for social sciences (2014-2018)
Member of the central library board at the Ministry of Culture of the SR (2014-2018)
Chair of the editorial board of the Annual Review in LIS – Zborník KIV (2008-)
Member of the editorial boards of journals: Information Research (2006-), Mousaion, ProInFlow, ITLib, Knižnica, Open Information Science, Library management
Member of the Academic senate Faculty of Arts, CU (1998-2000)
Member of the technical committee for standards TK-69 in documentation (2005-2008)
Head of the Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava (2016-2020)
International activities – member of professional boards and conference committees
- 2013- member of the international program board of the ECIL conference (European Conference on Information Literacy, Istanbul, Dubrovnik, Tallinn)
- 2013-member of the international network of experts in information science ENWI (European Network on Workplace Information) coordinated by Boras College, Sweden
- 1995-2001 – member of the expert board - Open Society Foundation, Open Library Program, Bratislava
- Member of the European Library Library Advisory Board (2008-9)
- 1996- 2001 – member of the Boards of experts, ICIMSS, International Centre for Information management), Toruň, Poland
- Member of international board of conferences – European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL) – 2004-2007, ELAG 2009, CASLIN 2007, ISKO Poland 2014, ISIC (2008-), ECIL (2013-), CoLIS (2010-)
- Member of international societies: ISKO, IOIS, RC33-ISA,ICIMSS, EUCLID
- Advisor – United Nations Development Program- project ICIMSS - 1996
- Medal of the University of N. Copernicus, Torun, Poland, 1997
- Memorial letters from the rector of the Comenius University (2015, 2019)
Educational activities
1992 – Department of Library and Information Science, Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Arts
Design and update of curricula, program chair of Library and Information Studies (Master program)
Advisor of master, PhDr. and PhD. theses
Chair and member of state examination committees
Chair of the PhDr. Studies program in library and information studies
Member of the common professional committee for PhD. studies,
Advisor and reviewer of PhD. Students´ theses
Design and teaching of the subjects:
- Theory of Information Science, Introduction to Information Science
- Research Methodology for doctoral students, Research Methodology in Information Science
- Knowledge Management
- Information Behaviour
- Development of Information Products and Information Creativity
- Information Ethics
Research activities
- Integrated library and information system in Slovakia (1986-88)
- Regional network of secondary information in Slovakia – automated library system in the Slovak technical Library (1988-1992), Automated system of periodicals – Slovak Technical Library (1993)
International relations
- Coordinator for international relations at the DLIS, Faculty of Philosophy, Comenius University Bratislava, coordinator for Erasmus plus program and bilateral international agreements
International projects
- DELOS for central Europe – international project for digital libraries, management for Slovakia (2003)
- Participation in the European projects: UNESCO workshop on information literacy (2006, Ljubljana), Europeana (user evaluation), European curriculum development for Library and information science, 2005, Copenhagen, ESF workshop, Boras (2006)
- Project ENWI (2014-2018) – international project on workplace information, University of Boras Sweden (
Research projects
- VEGA 1/5259/98 New paradigm of library and information science and the role of libraries in information society in mulitcultural central Europe – co-researcher
- KEGA 115/96 updating qualifications of library and information professionals for information society – co-researcher
- VEGA 1/9236/02 Interaction of man and information environment in information society – chief researcher (2002-2004)
- VEGA 1/2481/05 Information use at information behaviour in education and science – chief researcher (2005-2007)
- VEGA 1/0429/10 Information ecology of the academic information environment – chief researcher (2011-2012)
- APVV 0208-10 -Tra-Di-Ce – Cognitive traveling in the world of web and libraries – cooperation with chief researcher STU FIIT (2010-2014) – chief researcher of the group from CU, DLIS
- VEGA 1/0066/15 Modelling the information environment of the digital science – chief researcher (2015-2017)
- APVV 0508-15 – HIBER – Human information behaviour in the electronic environment, cooperation with Faculty of Informatics (chief researcher), Department of Psychology (2015-2020)
- VEGA 1/0360/21 Social representations of ethical challenges of digital information revolution – chief researcher
International study stays and lectures at international conferences
- 1991 - Oxford University, U.K.
- 1994 - the Library of Congress, Washington, U.S.A.
- 1996 - Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
- 2008 - Erasmus scheme – lecture stay, Prague, Charles university, ÚISK
- Lectures at Czech universities: Brno, Masaryk University, Prague, Charles University, Opava, the Silesian University in Opava, research evaluation of study programs in Masaryk University Brno and Charles University Prague
- Lectures at selected conferences in LIS: e.g. ISIC, CoLIS, ECIL, ELAG, ECDL, IFLA, LIDA, AEW-ASIST etc.: Washington, Cracow, Warsaw, Amsterdam, Cologne, Zurich, Ljubljana, Vienna, Dubrovnik, Sofia, Charlotte, Zadar, Zurich, Trondheim, Abo/Turku, Helsinki, London, Charlotte, Copenhagen, Vilnius, Prague, Istanbul, Dubrovnik, Leeds, Tallinn, Saint-Malo, Limerick, Oulu, Cracow, Warsaw, Ljubljana
Organization of international and national conferences in Slovakia (program and organizational chair) (1995, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2011), annual international conferences Information interactions in Bratislava – 2013-2019, joint with Methodological workshops for doctoral students (2013-)
Grants for projects: Library of Congress, Open Society Institute, U.S. embassy in SR, British Council Slovakia, Goethe-Institute Inter Nationes (SR), A. Mellon Foundation etc.
Publishing activities
- Selected monographs on: Information environment and scholarly communication (2018), Information Strategies in the Electronic Environment (2010), Information Behaviour (2005), Development of Information Products (1998), Theory of Information Retrieval (1996)
- Article in international journals: Information Research, Learned Publishing, JASIST, Grey Journal, Journal of Documentation (reviews for international journals: Journal of Information Science, JASIST, Journal of Documentation, Information Research) and Czech and Slovak journals, reviews of monographs for publishers: Elsevier, Facet Publishing
- Encyclopaedic dictionary Information Science (2020), eds. Jela Steinerová, M. Ondrišová
- Chapters in books and international encyclopaedias (entries: Information Culture (Widén-Wulf-Steinerová, 2019), (International Encyclopaedia of LIS, ed. M. Bates, M. Maack, entry: Slovakia: Libraries, Archives and Museums, 2013, 2nd ed.)
- Research reports/publications: Cognitive Traveling Through the Web (chapter, 2014), Information ecology of the academic information environment (2012), Relevance (2007), Results of empirical survey of users (2004)
- Research papers, studies, articles, conference papers, papers in international journals and conference proceedings, methodological and research reports (more than 200)
- Editor of the Annual Review in Library and Information Science (since 2008 -), conference proceedings, research reports, professional publications, expert evaluations of projects, etc.
Prof. PhDr. Jaroslav Šušol, PhD.

prof. PhDr. Jaroslav Šušol, PhD.
Education and professional career
a/ Education and qualification
- Master degree in library and information science and English, Comenius University Bratislava, 1986
- 1-year postgraduate study at Université Libre de Bruxelles, information science and documentology (1991-92)
- PhD in LIS with the thesis on the topic of retrospective conversion of library catalogues, 1993
- 3-months stay at the Library of Congress and the Library of Catholic University of America in Washington, DC., in the framework of Library of Congress/Soros foundation fellowship programme, 1996
- fellowships in Lisbon (1993), Aberdeen (1994), Brussels (1995), Stockholm (2002)
- specialization in information systems, information technology, library automation, computerized information systems, electronic publishing and various aspects of its practical implementation (technical, technological, legislative...)
- member of the CECUP (Central and Eastern European Copyright User Platform) and CELIP (Central and Eastern European Licensing Information Platform) Steering Group, both projects organized by EBLIDA
- other research projects in library and information science (VEGA, DELOS) – digital libraries, information behaviour, information ecology, electronic communication
- organized and participated in international conferences (Budapest 1996, Bratislava 1999, 2004, Darmstadt 2000, Seč 2001, Helsinki 2001, Dubrovnik 2004)
b/ Professional carreer
- Full-time PhD studies, Comenius University Bratislava, 1987-88
- Researcher, Comenius University Bratislava, 1988-90 (participation in the research project of conceptual, technological and institutional set-up of a nation-wide library system in Slovakia, IKIS)
- Assistant professor in LIS, Comenius University Bratislava, 1992-2003
- Associate professor in LIS, Comenius University Bratislava, 2003-2010
- Professor in LIS, Comenius University Bratislava, 2011-
- vice-dean, Faculty of Philosophy, Comenius University in Bratislava, 2003-2010
- English, French
- more than 80 articles and studies in journals, conference presentations, projects
- 2 monographs: Retrospective conversion of library catalogues (1995), Electronic communication in science (2003)
Membership in professional associations and organizations
- member of editorial boards, professionals societies and commissions
- member of the Executive Board of International University Network within Central European Initiative, representing Slovak Republic,
- member of Bologna lab, UNICA international university network
- member of the Scientific Board, Faculty of informatics and information technology, Slovak Technical University Bratislava
Mgr. Lucia Lichnerová, PhD.
Curriculum vitae
Lucia Lichnerová, PhD., MA finished the Master´s degree at the Department of Library and Information Science with a specialization on Historical Library Documents and Collections in 1999. During 1999-2001, she graduated her doctorate focusing on Historical Library Documents and Collections and successfully finished vindication of a thesis titled „German prints printed in the Slovak territory during 16th-17th century“.
Since 2001, she has been working at the Department as a lecturer. Her pedagogic activities are aimed at the areas of Secondary Library-Information Resources and Collections, Cataloguing of Old Prints and History of Book Culture. Her researches are mainly related to History of Book Culture with a focus on 16th-17th century. The results of her work have been presented at diverse national as well as international seminars and conferences by herself.
Personal information
Date and place of birth: 14th January 1976, Brezno, Slovakia
Education & Qualification
- 1994-1999 - Faculty of Philosophy, Comenius University in Bratislava; master´s degree: Library and Information Science – German Language and Literature
- 1999-2002 – doctorate study on the Department of Library and Information Science
- 2007 – disertation thesis „German prints printed in the Slovak territory during 16th-17th century“.
Pedagogic activities
- Library Resources ans Collections 4: Secondary Resources and Collections A
- Library Resources ans Collections 5: Secondary Resources ans Collections B
- Records Management
- Cataloguing of Old Prints
- Pro-seminar on History of Book Culture
- Library Old Prints Department
- Retrospective Bibliography
- Incunables
- Methodology of Graduation Thesis Writing
R&D activities
- VEGA Grant Agency Project: VEGA 1/0222/09 Information ecology of the academic information environment
Other expert activities in the past and recent period
- Member of Work group PS03, Project KIS3G (Slovak National Library).
- Member of Work group for Technical Comitte 69 Terminology, Documentation and Information (CVTI, SÚTN).
Doc. PhDr. Pavol Rankov, PhD.

Doc. PhDr. Pavel Rankov, PhD.
Personal information
Date and place of birth: Sept. 16, 1964, Poprad, Slovakia
Education and qualification
- PhDr. (M.A.) – Scientific Information and Libarianship, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University, Bratislava (1987)
- PhD. – Library and Information Science, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University, Bratislava (1996)
- Doc. (Associate Professor) – Library and Information Studies, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University, Bratislava (2007)
Educational activity
- Department od Library and Information Studies: Libraries and Information Agencies in Human Communication, Marketing of Book Publishing, Research Methodology, Research Project, Adult Library Users, Advertising and Human Communication, Fiction Librarianship
- Department of Marketing Communication: Mass Media and Popular Culture
Scientific research
- 1993-6 – Central European Institute/University, Prague – Research Support Scheme, individual research grant
- 1994 – University of Warwick, Coventry - Socrates Programme scholarship
- 1994 – University of London - T G Masaryk Scholarship visiting scholar
- 2002-4 – VEGA 1/9236/02 – Interaction of Man and Information Environment in Information Society
- 2003 – The Centre for Information on Literature, Bratislava – Reading 2003. Current State and Level of Reading in Slovak Republic
- 2004 – The Centre for Information on Literature, Bratislava – Reading 2004. Current State and Level of Reading in Slovak Republic
- 2005 – The Centre for Information on Literature, Bratislava – Reading 2005. Cultural Profile of Childs Reader
- 2005-7 – VEGA 1/2481/05 – Information Use by Information Behaviour in Education and Science
- 2006 – The Centre for Information on Literature, Bratislava – Reading 2006. Current State and Level of Reading in Slovak Republic
- 2008 – The Centre for Information on Literature, Bratislava – Reading 2008, Current State and Level of Reading in Slovak Republic
- 2008-9 – Syndicate of Libraries in Bratislava Region – Youth Reading in Bratislava Region
- 2009-10 - VEGA 1/0222/09 – Information Ecology of the Academic Information Environment
PhDr. Ľudmila Hrdináková
- 1989 - Scientific Information and Libarianship, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University, Bratislava (M.A.)
- 1990 – academic degree PhDr.
- 2007 – certificate Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking: Reading Literacy (RWCT)
- 2007 – certificate Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking: Media Literacy (RWCT)
- Library Resources ans Collections 1: Primary Resources and Collections A
- Library Resources ans Collections 3: Primary Resources ans Collections B
- Library Collections Management
- Literature for Children and Young Adults
- Reading Literacy,
- Preliteracy
- Media Literacy
- Book Illustrations
Professional career
- 1996 - 2007 assistant lecturer, Comenius University, Bratislava, Faculty of Arts, Department of Library and Information Science
- 2007 - Present Researcher
Research activities
- Scientific grant project VEGA 1/022/09 Information ecology of the academic information environment
Ing. Miriam Ondrišová, PhD.
- 1991 - Slovak Technical University, Bratislava , Electrotechnical Faculty, Dept. of Computer Science, 1991
- 2008 – PhD - Comenius University, Bratislava, Faculty of Arts
- Information and communication technology
- Database management systems
- information system design
- Bibliometrics
Professional career
- 1994 - assistant lecturer, Comenius University, Bratislava, Faculty of Arts, Department of Library and Information Science
Research activities
- Project VEGA 1/4004/97 - The systems of knowledge organization, structure and its influence on effectiveness of information handling in special disciplines.
- Project VEGA 1/7296/20 - Management of terminological data and possibilities of application in various subject fields.
- Project VEGA 1/0222/09 - Information ecology of the academic information environment
Mgr. Marta Špániová, PhD.

Name: Mgr. Marta Špániová, PhD.
Job title: Assistant Lecturer
Office: Šafárikovo nám. č.6 (prístavba RUK), 4. posch. č. dv. 409, kl. 554
Phone: +421-2-59244554
Office hours: Thursday 12:30 - 14:00
- 1990-1996: University studies – Comenius University in Bratislava; Department of Library and Information Science; Department of Classical and Semite Philology; Specialization: librarian and information science and classical philology – Latin language and literature1996
- 1996-1999: Cabinet of manuscripts, old and valuable prints at University Library in Bratislava: bibliographer and librarian with special focus on processing of old prints and providing services for expert public
- 1996-1999: PhD studies: Comenius University; Department of Library and Information Science – intern type
- 2000: PhD. Dissertation thesis: History of book culture in Bratislava in the 17th century
- 2000-2003: Edition of prints from the 16th century; National Bibliographical Institution; Slovak National Library in Martin – expert scientific worker
- 2001-2004: Trnava University; Faculty of Health Care and Social work – teacher of Latin Language
- 2003-presence: Secondary School of Librarianship and Information Studies in Bratislava – teacher of specialized librarian subjects
- 2006-presence: Department of Library and Information Science, Comenius University - lecturer
Personal data
Date of birth: 25. 5. 1972, Rožňava
- 1990-1996: University studies – Comenius University in Bratislava; Department of Library and Information Science; Department of Classical and Semite Philology; Specialization: librarian and information science and classical philology – Latin language and literature1996
- 1996-1999: PhD studies: Comenius University; Department of Library and Information Science – intern type
- 2000: PhD. Dissertation thesis: History of book culture in Bratislava in the 17th century
Pedagogical activities
- History of Libraries and Book Culture
- History of Slovak Bookprinting
- History of Printed Book
- Historical books fonds
- Book science
- July 1999: Scholarship sojourn in Vienna funded by Goethe Institute inBratislava
- October 1999: Scholarship sojourn in Vienna funded by foundation Trust Austria-Slovakia
- November 2000: Scholarship sojourn in Budapest funded by foundation Domus Hungarica scientiarium et artium of Hungarian Academy of Science in Budapest
- July 2003: Scholarship sojourn in Budapest funded by foundation Domus Hungarica scientiarum et artium of Hungarian Academy of Science in Budapest
- July 2005: Polska Akademia Nauk, Warszawa; Kasa Im. Józefa Mianowskiego – Fundacja popierania nauki: Instytut Informacji Naukowej i Bibliotekoznawstwa, Uniwersytet Wroclawski, Wroclaw
Membership of specialized organizations
- Organization of Slovak Librarians
Scientifical activities
- Research on history of book culture and bibliografical processing of historical book fonds