International projects
International cooperation
International projects
- CECUP (Central and Eastern European Copyright User Platform) - project within Fourth Framework Programme of European Community activities in the field of Research and Technological Development, "Telematics Applications programme", sector Libraries. 1998-99
- CELIP (Central and Eastern European Licensing Information Platform) - 5th program, IST-1999-29083
- Projekt ICIMSS - International Centre for Information Management Systems and Services, Toruń, Poland
- DELOS-CEE - Project was focused on distribution of results of digital libraries solutions in central- and eastern European countries. Coordinator: Steinerová, participants: Steinerová, Šušol. 2003-2004, IST – 1999-12262
- Participation on the project The European Library - testing, Users Advisory Board, participant Steinerová
- Participation on the project of international encyclopedy of library and information science ELIS-3, participants Steinerová, Roháč, Podušelová
- ENWI (European Network on Workplace Information) - 2013-2018, University of Boras, Sweden (participant: Jela Steinerová)
- ECIL - European Conference on Information Literacy, 2013-2018, survey on data literacy of researchers - 2017-2018 (Jela Steinerová, Miriam Ondrišová)
Study stays and lectures of foreign experts (including Erasmus)
- Brian Rosenblum (Univesity of Kansas, USA) (2011)
- Jaroslav Dvořák (Lithuania, Klaipeda) (2013)
- Tibor Koltay (Budapest) (2014)
- Anna Seweryn (Katowice) (2016)
- Horatiu Dragomirescu (Bucharest) (2017, 2016, 2015)
- Beata Sedláčková (Opava) (2015, 2010)
- Jolanta Szulc (Katowice) (2018)
- Michal Lorenz (Brno) (2018)
- Carlos Luis González Valiente (Cuba) (2018)
- Anna Novotná (Opava) (2019)
- Pavlína Mazáčová (Brno) (2019)
- Judit Béres (Pécs) (2020)
- Charles University in Prague, IISL, Czech Republic (including Erasmus+ program), Ústav informačních studií a knihovnictví, Filosofická fakulta
- Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic (Erasmus+), Katedra informačních studií a knihovnictví
- Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic, Erasmus+), Slezská univerzita v Opavě
Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta v Opavě, Ústav bohemistiky a knihovnictví - Silesian University, Katowice, Poland, Instytut Bibliotekoznawstwa i Informacji Naukowej, (Erasmus+),
- Vilnius University, Faculty of Communication, Lithuania (Erasmus+),
- University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Department of Library and Information Science and Book Studies, (Erasmus+)
- Technological Educational Institute of Athens, faculty of Management and Economics, Department of Library Science and Information Systems, Greece (Erasmus+)
- University of Pécs, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Library and Information Science, Hungary (Erasmus+)
- University of Wroclaw, Uniwersytet Wroslawski, Poland (Erasmus+)
International organizations (cooperation):
- EUCLID (the European Association of Library and Information Departments)
- ASIST, Association for Information Science and Technology
- ISKO, International Society for Knowledge Organization
- IFLA, The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
- i-schools organization
- Europeana, The European Library
Boards of international conferences:
- ISIC, The Information Behaviour Conference,
- CoLIS (Conceptions of Library and Information Science),
- ECIL (European Conference on Information Literacy),
- LIDA (Libraries in Digital Age), lida.ffos.h
- QQML (Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Libraries),
International journals:
- Information Research
- Mousaion
- ProInFlow
- Open Information Science
- QQML e-journal
- Grey Journal, International Journal on Grey Literature