Faculty of ArtsComenius University Bratislava

About the Journal

Otazky zurnalistiky (Journalism Questions) (ISSN 0322-7049) is a peer-reviewed journal of theory, research and practice of mass media communication with more than 60-years tradition (since 1962), registered in the database C.E.E.O.L. and EBSCO. It is published four times a year in two double issues.

The first part of each issue contains research studies and theoretical contributions on journalistic theory and practice, historical, legal, political, economic, linguistic, sociological and psychological research on the press, radio, television and the new media.

The second part consists of reviews, interviews, research reports, reports on interesting scientific events, as well as other traditional sections: photo gallery, castbacks, media glossary and media chronicles.

The spring double issue is published on 30 June and the autumn double issue is published on 30 December of the same year.

From the history of the Questions of journalism