The journal was founded in 1958 as an almanac called Otazky novinarstva. It was published under this title until 1961. From 1962 to 1966 it was published as a yearbook under the title Otazky zurnalistiky (Questions of Journalism). It was published by the Novinarsky studijny ustav (Institute of Journalism Studies) in Bratislava and co-edited by Matica slovenska in Martin. Questions of journalism contributed to the formation of the cornerstones of Slovak journalism in those years.

Source: Antikvarium
The journal was published quarterly since 1969 and the publisher was the Institut pre vyskum masovych komunikacnych prostriedkov (Institute for Research on Means of Communication) under the Vyskumny ustav kultury a verejnej mienky (Research Institute for Culture and Public Opinion).
Questions of Journalism was published quarterly since 1976 by the Novinarsky studijny ustav (InstituJournalism Study Institute), again within the Slovensky urad pre tlac a informacie (Slovak Press and Information Office). It was printed by the Obzor publishing house. The Novinarsky studijny ustav (Institute of Journalism Studies) remained the publisher of Journalism Questions after the democratic changes in the republic in 1989, when the content was freed from the propaganda that had infiltrated it during normalisation.
The journal continued to be published quarterly by the Slovak Academy Press (SAP). After the closure of the Novinarsky studijny ustav (Institute of Journalism Studies), its successor, the Narodne centrum medialnej komunikacie (National Centre for Media Communication), also became the publisher of Questions of Journalism.
This position was taken over in 2001 by the Medialne informacne centrum MIC (Media Information Centre), which was abolished by a decision of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic on 30 June 2001. The publishing licence was transferred to SAP. A year later, the Mass Media Science Association took over the journalism issues together with the Journalism Department of the Faculty of Philosophy of Comenius University.
In 2007, the 50th anniversary of its existence, the journal was published in a new design. In the same year Questions of Journalism was registered in the CEEOL database. In 2009, the magazine was published in two double issues with a new graphic design by the Verbum Publishing House of the Catholic University in Ruzomberok.
At the end of 2016, Zdruzenie Mass-Media-Science, together with the Department of Journalism of the Faculty of Philosophy of Comenius University in Bratislava, mutually terminated the publishing cooperation with the Department of Journalism of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Catholic University and the VERBUM publishing house, and again became the sole publisher.