Faculty of ArtsComenius University Bratislava

Zuzana Gažáková

Mgr. Zuzana Gažáková, PhD.

Assistant Lecturer since October 2002


E-mail: gazakovafphil.uniba.sk


Telefón:  +421 2 59339116  



2002-2006: PhD, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University, Bratislava, Thesis: The Arab Popular Epic Sírat Sayf ibn Dhí Yazan under the guidance of Prof. Ján Pauliny

2003-2005: Postgraduate studies at The Institute of International Relations and Approximation of Law, Faculty of Law, Comenius University, Bratislava. Thesis: Islamic Fundamentalism under the guidance of Doc. Karol Sorby

1997-2002: Faculty of Arts of Comenius University, Bratislava: Arabic Language and Literature and English Language and Literature 

1992-1998: State Conservatory, Žilina (opera singing)


Recent projects and grants:

Member of the Steering Committee and Research Group No. 2. (Manuscripts as Text Witnesses: Philology as Text Criticism) in Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies – COMSt   (ESF)   http://www1.uni-hamburg.de/COMST/ (2009 - 2014)

Cursus Innovati Grant of the Jan Hus Educational Foundation (2008)

– Research Award of the Jan Hus Educational Foundation (2008) for the Best Young Researcher

– Comenius University Grant for Young Researchers (2005)


International conferences, lectures and seminars:

Participation in various conferences, seminars and workshops of the COMSt project (Athens 2011, Leuven 2010, Hamburg 2009)

2011: Florence: The third international symposium of the Association Internationale de Moyen Arabe (AIMA)

2009: Wien: Institut für Orientalistik, (Guest Lecture)

2008: Middle East in the Contemporary World (West Bohemian University, Plzeň)

2007: Vienna: International Summer School in Arabic Papyrology,

2007: University of Heidelberg: Yemen: Bridging the Gap between Past and Present

2007: University of Heidelberg, Department of Semitic Philology (Guest Lecture)


Research stays:

Since 2002 Cairo (researcher at various universities and Oriental institutes (IFAO, AUC), 1-2 months per year

7/2010 Türkoloji Yaz Staj Programi, (Summer School of Turkish Language and Culture) Ankara

2009 Short-term scholarship (two weeks) at the Department of Oriental Studies, University of Vienna, on the basis of an international cooperation agreement between Comenius University and the University of Vienna

1/2007-2/2007 University of Heidelberg, Department of Semitic Philology, supported by the Slovak National Scholarship Program

1. 9. 2005 – 13.10. 2005  American University in Cairo (researcher) supported by the Comenius University Grant for Young Researchers

7/2000-8/2000 Laboratorio Internazionale della Comunicazione, Gemona del Friuli (Summer School of Italian Language and Culture)

11/2001-3/2002 University of Cairo, American University in Cairo (researcher)

9/1999-6/2000 University of Cairo, governmental exchange scholarship programme