Gallery and Museum Education in Visegrad Region I and II
Gallery and Museum Education in Visegrad Region I and II
Department of Art History, Comenius University Bratislava
Academic year 2018/2019
doc. Katarína Kolbiarz Chmelinová, PhD. (SK)
Barbora Tribulová, PhD. (SK)
Doc. Marie Fulková (CZ)
Prof. Andrea Kárpati (HU)
Place: Comenius University, Faculty of Arts Bratislava, Department of Art History, room nr. 319 and training rooms of Slovak National Gallery (SNG) Bratislava
Day and time: every second Thursday at 12:35, only foreign lectures will be in special blocks according to the schedule
Winter term 2018/2019
Introduction to the course (1,5-hour block at Comenius University) / 27. 9. 2018
This block brings brief insight into history of educational role of museums, relation between pedagogy and museology and basic course terminology. Participants will also have a chance to consider the visitor status, gallery possibilities in art mediation and work with public. The increasing active role of visitor, typology of programs and their theoretical and practical content also will be discussed. Practical activity is focused on researching target groups of accompanying programs in museums and galleries.
Introduction to the discipline (3-hour block at SNG) / 11. 10. 2018
The main aim of the lecture is to present pedagogical bases of the concept of gallery pedagogy as constructionist pedagogy and also the ways of effective learning. Artwork as a tool of communication and sensual contact as a way to perceiving artworks as a whole. Practical activity is focused on analyze of gallery animation structure in exhibition of Slovak National Gallery.
Multimedia applications in museum learning and their impact on the appreciation of art (6-hour block + 3-hour lecture at SNG) prof. Andrea Kárpáti / 24. - 25. 10. 2018
This block will present some aspects of intervention to the exhibitions by educative multimedia applications. In case of multimedia, examples will be derived both Slovakian and international exhibitions.
Art Education in the Gallery (6-hour block + 3-hour lecture at SNG) doc. Marie Fulková / 14. - 15. 11. 2018
The block will explore ways of personal experience with art-perceiving through workshops at Bratislava´s galleries. These activities will be communicated and theoretically contextualized. Using strategy of pedagogical constructivism and context-driven, object based student projects will develop an effective educational vehicle to motivate and enhance the contemporary experience of art education, creativity and subjectivity.
Object of education (3-hour block at SNG) / 29. 11. 2018
This block will develop knowledge of interpretation strategies for different objective categories in more practical way. It will present intertextual learning, how integrate “sectional themes” in art museums. Attendants will apply theory of interpretation of artwork by Gardner theory of multiple intelligences. The most important part of this block will aim on indication of the object of educational program, on brief selection of particular topic and problem.
Implementation and review (3-hour block at SNG) / 13. 12. 2018
This block will aim on entity learning – interpretation of an artifact necessary for education by art. Attendants will train proposing questions and we will discuss the mentality of gallery educator. In the end of winter term each attendant has to present special “warm-up” – an activation of sensual reception focused on selected artwork. During the winter term each participant has to make research about educational activities of regional museum or art museum, make a short review and a proposal of conception of educational programs.
Summer term 2018/2019
Art education documents (1,5-hour block at SNG) 28.2.2019
This block will present museum as a partner for formal education organizations (schools) and a brief insight into international documents about art education – presentation of Soul’s program (Mission of developing art education). How to work with system of state education plan?
Participation on V4 art museum educational program (1,5-hour block at SNG) 14.3.2019
The visit in foreign art museum educational program expands horizons of knowledge and experiences with gallery education ant its possibilities.
Evaluation of exhibitions by professionals and by audience members (6-hour block + 3-hour lecture at SNG) prof. Andrea Kárpáti / 26.-27. 3. 2019
This block will discuss the evaluation of exhibition to improve future exhibits and how records of the experiences of audience members can be used by museum educators. Topic will be more oriented in practice and also in educational theory context.
Art Education in the Gallery (6-hour block + 3-hour lecture at SNG) doc. Marie Fulková / 28. – 29.3.2019
The second block of doc. Fulková will continue the theoretically contextualized exploration of ways of personal experience with art-perceiving through workshops at Bratislava´s galleries. Using strategy of pedagogical constructivism and context-driven, object based student projects will develop an effective educational vehicle to motivate and enhance the contemporary experience of art education, creativity and subjectivity. The main aim is to create a collaborative and dialogical model of art education for selected group of users.
Intergenerational learning (3-hour block at SNG) 11.4.2019
This block will discuss generation differences. We will talk more about specifics of work with adults, about need of intergenerational learning, about advantages of oral history and about need and benefits of practical interpretation in communication with adults.
Application and review (3-hour block at SNG) 25.4.2019
At the end of the course, each attendant has to propose three different conceptions for different visitor category. Each proposal will be presented in front of the group and reviewed.