doc. PhDr. Kornélia Jakubíková, CSc.

Contact and office hours:


Katedra etnológie a kultúrnej antropológie

Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Komenského

Gondova 2, 814 99 Bratislava

room: 3rd floor, G312


Publikačná činnosť

Selected publications

  • Svadba. (kap. XII) Mapy č. 5-16, In: Etnografický atlas Slovenska. VEDA Bratislava 1999
  • Encyklopédia ľudovej kultúry Slovenska zv. 1-2, VEDA Bratislava 1999. (Autorka 50 hesiel)
  • Slovenská svadba. In: Slovenské svadby. Ed. M. Leščák Bratislava 1996, s. 8-17
  • Rodinné obyčaje. In: Botíková-Jakubíková-Švecová: Tradície slovenskej rodiny. VEDA Bratislava 1997, s. 161-188
  • Feglová,V. - Jakubíková, K: Family Customs. In: Slovakia. European Context of the Folk Culture. Bratislava 1997, s. 215-237
  • Jakubíková, K.:(Ed.): Tradícia, etika a civilizačné zmeny. Bratislava 1999




Doc. PhDr. Kornélia Jakubíková, CSc.


Academic degrees

•    1995 - Doc. – habilitation thesis"Svadba v kontexte rodinných a sociálnych vzťahov"
•    1978 - CSc. (PhD.) dissertation  thesis "Rodinné zvyky a ich premeny v
•    podmienkach socializmu na slovensko-poľskom pohraničí
•    1976 - PhDr. – rigorous thesis "Príspevky ku štúdiu rodinných zvykov na Slovensku"
•    1967 – graduation from the Philosophical Faculty of Comenius University Bratislava, degree in ethnography

Professional orientation

•    Spiritual culture (customs and rituals) especially the customs of life cycle specializing in: weddings (changes and the present context)
•    Ethnic problems (comparative study of Slovak-Polish and interethnic relations in southern Slovakia))
•    Gender (gender study in family life and ritual roles

Teaching Activities

•    (1991 – 2010) Department of ethnology and cultural anthropology of the Philosophical Faculty of Comenius University
•    "Custom traditions“
•    "Theory and methodology"
•    "Symbolic and feministic anthropology"
•    University lecture: "Cultural anthropology"
•    Diploma thesis seminar
•    Doctoral dissertation supervisor
•    (1998 – 2005) also lectured at the Department of Ethnology of the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Cyril and Methodius in Trnava

Field research

Orava, Zamagurie, Kysuce, Gemer, Bratislava region, southern Slovakia (not Komárno)

The membership in home and foreign scientific institutions

• the member of Scientific Grant Agency – The Committee for history a society sciencee
• the member of Slovak – polish committee of humanities of the Slovak Ministry of Education
•  1987 – 1993 vice-chairman of the Slovak Ethnographic Society of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
•   member of the editorial board „Ethnologia Slovaca et Slavica“
•   member of the editorial board „Ethnologia Actualis Slovaca“
Activities at the Philosophical Faculty
• 1998-2000, 2005-2008  member of the  Academic Senate
Study and lecturing trips abroad
• (1984,1997,2001) Institut etnologii a antropologii kulturowej Jagelonskej univerzity, Krakow