Euraxess Slovakia

EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion is a unique pan-European initiative providing access to a complete range of information and support services to researchers wishing to pursue their research careers in Europe or stay connected to it.
EURAXESS Service Centres are helping overcome obstacles and support smooth operation of the mobility programmes designated for researchers; they provide information and services to international and Slovak researchers and their families on various aspects of mobility, including practical information (on issues of social security, taxes, visa and residence permits, or study opportunities for family members) related to the stay in another country.
Vital communication tools in the work of the centres include the European mobility portal for researchers EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion and national mobility portals; through portals researches may search also for job opportunities and research institutions may announce openings for researchers free of charge.
EURAXESS Slovakia is part of the European EURAXESS Services Network, more than 200 service centres operating in 40 countries; the centres were created by the initiative of the European Commission in 2004.
SAIA in Bratislava is the coordinator of the project on national level, with the national network of service centres situated except for Bratislava also in its 5 regional offices.
SAIA manages the Slovak national portal in both Slovak and English versions.
The initiative is financially supported by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of SR and the European Commission.

For more information visit about EURAXESS in Slovakia refer to the portal
For information about the European-wide network of the EURAXESS initiative and the 37 national portals of the member countries please see