The Department of Political Science offers Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral study programmes for Slovak and international students. The specialization of its lecturers enables the department to cover all important areas of political research nationwide and worldwide. One thing which enjoys a rich and particularly successful tradition is research into politics in Slovakia and in the Central European context, as well as an emphasis on European integration and politics. Thanks to good collaboration with other research institutions, elective courses are, and have been, taught by top specialists in a given field. The department’s faculty, in the long term, also deal with other issues of political science such as the problems of democracy and democratization, international relations, terrorism, human rights, political thinking, public policy and political economics.
Besides knowledge in domestic and international politics, the students of political science also acquire other skills required by the labour market. Applied study methods help them develop independent analytical thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as skills important for team work. Students learn not only to look for answers, but also to present the results of their work at a professional level. The main language of instruction is Slovak, but most courses use the latest English publications and textbooks as study materials. Students thus acquire the ability to work with foreign language terminology and have access to the latest output of international research.