Teaching, Research and Publications
Teaching - fields and courses:
History of Philosophy:
- History of Philosophy (German Classical P, Philosophy 19th and 20th century); Philosophy of L. Wittgenstein; Descartes and Contemporary Philosophy; Cassirer´s Philosophy of Symbolic Forms; Psychoanalysis and Philosophy;
Philosophy of Mathematics:
- Introduction to the Philosophy of Mathematics; G. Frege and Philosophy of Arithmetic; Mathematics in the History of Philosophy; Philosophical Introduction to the Set Theory; Philosophy of Physics
Current projects:
2019 – 2023: Naturalizmus ako univerzálny filozofický program (Naturalism - Universal Philosophical Program) - researcher
2019 - 2021: Realizmus a antirealizmus v súčasnej filozofii vedy (Realism and Anti-realism in Contemporary Philosophy of Science) - project leader
Past projects: - information (in slovak language)
Maco, R.: Husserl a matematika (Husserl and Mathematics). In: Maco, R. (ed.): Znak a fenomén (Zborník z konferencie 8.2. 2007). Bratislava : All acta 2007, s. 190 - 201.
Maco, R. : Kritické poznámky k súčasnej fenomenológii (Critical Notes on Contemporary Phenomenology). In: FILOZOFIA, roč. 63, 2008/3, s. 263 - 269.
Maco, R.: Filozofia matematiky raného Ernsta Cassirera (Philosophy of Mathematics in Early Cassirer). In: FILOZOFIA, roč. 65, 2010/1, s. 27 - 39.
Maco, R.: Goodmanova záhada vyriešená? (Goodman´s Riddle Solved?). FILOZOFIA, 2012, roč. 67, č. 2, s. 136 - 140.
Maco, R.: Cassirerov pojem symbolickej formy (Cassirer´s Concept of Symbolic Form). In: FILOZOFIA, roč. 56, 2001/1, s. 25 - 41.
Complete list of publications (in slovak language)