Sociology (Full Time)
Nr. | Supervising department | Topic | Supervisor |
1. | Department of Sociology | Loneliness - social categories at risk and the social consequences of loneliness * | doc. Mgr. Roman Džambazovič, PhD. |
2. | Department of Sociology | Low-wage jobs: labour market, institutional context and growth model in Slovakia | doc. PhDr. Daniel Gerbery, PhD. |
3. | Department of Sociology | Non-standard forms of employment: profiles, reasons and consequences | doc. PhDr. Daniel Gerbery, PhD. |
4. | Department of Sociology | Social agency of animals social problem | doc. PhDr. Dušan Janák, Ph.D. |
5. | Department of Sociology | Past and present of the environmental movement in Central Europe | doc. PhDr. Dušan Janák, Ph.D. |
6. | Institute for Sociology SAS | Spatial practice in Slovakia for a more-than-human world: How can local specificities inspire global planning strategies? | Ing. Petr Mezihorák, Ph.D. |
7. | Institute for Sociology SAS | Solidarity across differences: collective ne-gotiation of working conditions for workers in different situations * | Ing. Petr Mezihorák, Ph.D. |
8. | Institute for Sociology SAS | Digital Technologies and intimacy among young adults | Mgr. Zuzana Sekeráková Búriková, PhD. |
9. | Institute for Sociology SAS | Digital Technologies and Care | Mgr. Zuzana Sekeráková Búriková, PhD. |
10. | Institute for Sociology SAS | Rule of law, justice and legality in public debates and political contestations * | Mgr. Jana Lindbloom, PhD. |
11. | Institute for Sociology SAS | Workplaces as sites of socialization: hierarchy, agency and organizational self * | Mgr. Jana Lindbloom, PhD. |
12. | Institute for Sociology SAS | Institutional trust and environmental attitudes in Slovakia | Mgr. Jozef Zagrapan, PhD. |
13. | Institute for Sociology SAS | Technological Discourse and Its Beneficiaries | Mgr. Dominik Želinský, PhD. |
14. | Institute for Sociology SAS | Churches as a Actor in the Public Services in Slovakia * | doc. Mgr. Miroslav Tížik, PhD. |
15. | Institute for Sociology SAS | Social and Spatial Transformations of Confessional Structure in Slovakia * | doc. Mgr. Miroslav Tížik, PhD. |
* The nature of the topic allows the acceptance of more than one applicant