Faculty of ArtsComenius University Bratislava

Media and Communication Studies (full time)

Nr. Supervising department Topic Supervisor
1. Department of Library and Information Science The Impact of AI on the Traditional Concept of Information Systems prof. PhDr. Jaroslav Šušol, PhD.
2. Department of Library and Information Science The Potential of Support of Information Creativity with the AI Tools prof. PhDr. Jela Steinerová, PhD.
3. Department of Library and Information Science Fair prints published in Slovakia in the 18th and 19th centuries as a medium of news and tabloid (mis)information doc. PhDr. Lucia Lichnerová, PhD.
4. Department of Journalism Radios Free Europe and Voice of America in  the Context of Slovak Journalism and Social-political Changes * doc. Mgr. Mária Stanková, PhD.
5. Department of Journalism The Limits of Freedom of Expression on Social Networks * doc. Mgr. Mária Stanková, PhD.
6. Department of Marketing Communication

Authenticity and Aesthetics of Advertising Visuals – The Impact of AI-Generated Images, Traditional Photography, and Digital Editing on Brand Perception from the Consumer Perspective

Doc. PhDr. Eva Chudinová, PhD.

 * The nature of the topic allows the acceptance of more than one applicant
