Nr. | Topic | Annotations |
1. | The Impact of AI on the Traditional Concept of Information Systems | Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the way Information Systems (IS) work, moving them beyond traditional, rule-based structures to more intelligent and self-learning systems. AI allows IS to analyze data, recognize patterns, and even make decisions without human intervention. This transformation improves efficiency, automation, and real-time decision-making, but it also raises concerns about transparency, fairness, and human control. As AI becomes more integrated into IS, businesses and organizations must find ways to balance automation with ethical considerations. Future research should focus on making AI-powered IS more explainable, trustworthy, and aligned with human values. Understanding these changes will be crucial for ensuring that AI-driven IS remain useful, responsible, and beneficial in fields such as healthcare, finance, and business management. |
2. | The Potential of Support of Information Creativity with the AI Tools | The objective of the thesis is an analysis of information creativity with the use of the psychology of human creativity and tools of artificial intelligence (AI) in support of creative information work. Selected models of human information creativity, results of empirical studies of information creativity and tools of artificial intelligence should be analysed, An own empirical study of information creativity will be designed and realized focused on a sample of doctoral students in various disciplines, e.g. education, information studies, design and digital arts. New research methodologies will be applied, mainly the art-based methods (e.g. visualizations). Experiments and evaluation of tools of AI for information creativity will be applied. Innovative models of creative information work in digital environment will be proposed alongside with methods of support of information creativity, AI literacy and ethics of AI. |
3. | Fair prints published in Slovakia in the 18th and 19th centuries as a medium of news and tabloid (mis)information | To characterize the origin, meaning, types and distribution of fair prints in Slovakia and Europe. On the basis of a retrospective bibliography, to quantify and chronologically define the fair prints published in Slovakia in the 18th and 19th century in the context of their publishing background and motives of creation. To identify fair prints published as a medium of communication of serious real events or published as a means of spreading tabloid or fabricated content. To identify tools to increase the credibility of fair prints. To describe the meaning of the illustration on fair prints and its connection with the content of the communicated text. |
4. | Mobile journalism in a communication perspective | Mobile journalism (MoJo) is a highly professional activity of journalists that performs all the tasks of journalistic practice (information collection, selection, recording, processing, publishing / broadcasting / streaming, archiving) exclusively via a mobile phone. Despite its successful establishment worldwide, it has not yet experienced significant development in Slovakia. The research will aim to document the current state of MoJo user practices in the current editorial policies of mainstream media in the Slovak Republic and to name the challenges of developing mobile journalism in these conditions. |
5. | Solving the media management dilemma in times of crisis: subordinating editorial responsibility to corporate social responsibility of the media and/or vice versa | Two recent global crises, the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent outbreak of war in Ukraine, have posed a significant challenge for newsrooms bound by social editorial responsibility (ER)—to submit to the marketing intentions and corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities of a given media house in the interest of the cause or to counter these activities. The research will focus on naming the benefits and risks of the mutual relationship between media ER and CSR from the perspective of a false dilemma of either/or, with the aim of finding a solution for the appropriate blending or temporary incorporation of one form of social responsibility into the other in the interest of effective socially beneficial communication of the media in times of crisis. |
6. | Forms of humour in contemporary political discourse in Slovakia | Humour is a stable part of public discourse in democracies. The rise of right-wing populism has resulted in extreme forms of textual, audio and visual humour on a global scale. As the language of political and social leaders has become vulgar and aggressive in the public, the means of expression of humour producers have also sharpened. The research will analyse mainstream and far-right forms of humour in Slovak political discourse today to explain their mutual connection, inspiration, and counterattack, ultimately contributing to greater polarization and radicalization of society. |
7. | Management and Marketing Communication of a Private Elementary School: Challenges and Strategies in the Contemporary Educational Environment | The dissertation focusses on management and marketing communication of private elementary art schools in the context of the contemporary educational environment. Given the growing competition in the field of art education and the changing expectations of parents and students, it is necessary to seek innovative approaches to the management and promotion of these institutions. |
8. | Marketing strategy of traffic broadcasting SRo: Strengthening the brands Zelená vlna and Pozor, zakruta! through claims, identity and multimedia support | The dissertation focusses on the marketing strategy of the traffic broadcasting of Slovak Radio (STVR), specifically strengthening the brands Zelená vlna and Pozor, zakruta!. Given the dynamic development in the field of media, digitalisation, and changing habits of listeners, it is necessary to innovate the marketing communication of these traditional programmes in order to increase their reach, attractiveness, and relevance in the current media environment. |
9. | Specifics of Generation Z, Their Attitudes, Preferences, and Readiness for the Work Process in the Environment of Advertising Agencies | The aim of this dissertation is to identify the barriers and motivations of young people from Generation Z when choosing employment in advertising agencies, as well as to evaluate the process of their integration into the job market, based on analysis and conducted research. The outcome of the research will be an understanding of the specifics of Generation Z, their behavior, and preferences in advertising agencies. The goal is to identify areas where advertising agencies can improve their approach to young employees, making work in advertising agencies more attractive to Generation Z, thereby contributing to the enhancement of quality in the advertising industry. |