Media and Communication Studies (External)
Nr. | Supervising department | Topic | Supervisor |
1. | Department of Library and Information Science | The Impact of AI on the Traditional Concept of Information Systems | prof. PhDr. Jaroslav Šušol, PhD. |
2. | Department of Library and Information Science | The Potential of Support of Information Creativity with the AI Tools | prof. PhDr. Jela Steinerová, PhD. |
3. | Department of Library and Information Science | Fair prints published in Slovakia in the 18th and 19th centuries as a medium of news and tabloid (mis)information | doc. PhDr. Lucia Lichnerová, PhD. |
4. | Department of Journalism | Mobile journalism in a communication perspective * | doc. PhDr. Anna Sámelová, PhD. |
5. | Department of Journalism | Solving the media management dilemma in times of crisis: subordinating editorial responsibility to corporate social responsibility of the media and/or vice versa * | doc. PhDr. Anna Sámelová, PhD. |
6. | Department of Journalism | Forms of humour in contemporary political discourse in Slovakia * | doc. PhDr. Anna Sámelová, PhD. |
7. | Department of Marketing Communication | Management and Marketing Communication of a Private Elementary School: Challenges and Strategies in the Contemporary Educational Environment | doc. PhDr. Eva Chudinová, PhD. |
8. | Department of Marketing Communication | Marketing strategy of traffic broadcasting SRo: Strengthening the brands Zelená vlna and Pozor, zakruta! through claims, identity and multimedia support | doc. PhDr. Eva Chudinová, PhD. |
9. | Department of Marketing Communication | Specifics of Generation Z, Their Attitudes, Preferences, and Readiness for the Work Process in the Environment of Advertising Agencies | doc. PhDr. Milan Banyár, PhD. |
* The nature of the topic allows the acceptance of more than one applicant