Faculty of ArtsComenius University Bratislava


Nr. Topic Annotations

Changes in the Status and Forms of Community Interpreting After 2022: Geopolitical and Sociocultural Determinants

In this dissertation I will explore the form of community interpreting in Slovakia and its specifics. I will focus on the period from 2022 onwards, which is an important milestone in the context of community interpreting in Slovakia. I will approach the actors of communication and how they influence the communicative situation in the process of interpreting (H. Tužinská, M. Štefková) through models of the communicative situation (P. Šveda, M. Djovčoš). The confrontation of the situation of nearby countries, such as Poland and Czechia, will be stimulating for the Slovak space (I. Čenková). I will discuss the transformations of community interpreting due to border situations vs. the everyday need for communication and the existence of the so-called "grey space" which has arisen due to the non-use of community interpreting services in institutions. I will map the major milestones in the academic or practical environment that have contributed to the prominence of community interpreting in Slovakia. The thesis will include an assessment of the possible differentiation of subcategories of community interpreting in terms of communicative situations and interpreting intention.


The Reception of Social Science and Humanities Texts as Discursive Interaction

The dissertation project focuses on research into the scope, structure and framing of translations of 20th century social science and humanities texts, with a particular emphasis on the texttransfer from the German-speaking countries and Scandinavia.The research corpus will consist primarily of selected Slovak journals published by the Slovak Academy of Sciences, with the primary method of data collection being content analysis. The synthesis of the findings of the content analysis in relation to the scope and structure of translations is envisaged at least on two levels: a) confrontation with the social and historical landmarks that ideologically and institutionally guided the editorial process, and b) confrontation of selected coded units of journal translation practice with book translation practice.The juxtaposition of the findings of the content analysis is proposed to be explored through the methods of critical discourse analysis. The research will be anchored in the approaches of research fields such as translation history (Ch. Rundle, L. Venuti, D. Monticelli, A. Rizzi and others) and postcolonial translation studies (M. Tymoczko and others). The dissertation project requires a strong command of German, a good level of receptive English, and preferably a receptive knowledge of one of the Scandinavian languages.