Faculty of ArtsComenius University Bratislava

Sociology (External)

Nr.Supervising departmentTopicSupervisor
1.Department of SociologyLoneliness - social categories at risk and the social consequences of lonelinessdoc. Mgr. Roman Džambazovič, PhD.
2.Department of SociologyLow-wage jobs: labour market, institutional context and growth model in Slovakiadoc. PhDr. Daniel Gerbery, PhD.
3.Department of SociologyNon-standard forms of employment: profiles, reasons and consequencesdoc. PhDr. Daniel Gerbery, PhD.
4.Department of SociologySocial agency of animals social problemdoc. PhDr. Dušan Janák, Ph.D.
5.Department of SociologyPast and present of the environmental movement in Central Europedoc. PhDr. Dušan Janák, Ph.D.
6.Institute for Sociology SASSpatial practice in Slovakia for a more-than-human world: How can local specificities inspire global planning strategies?Ing. Petr Mezihorák, Ph.D.
7.Institute for Sociology SASSolidarity across differences: collective ne-gotiation of working conditions for workers in different situationsIng. Petr Mezihorák, Ph.D.
8.Institute for Sociology SASDigital Technologies and intimacy among young adultsMgr. Zuzana Sekeráková Búriková, PhD.
9.Institute for Sociology SASDigital Technologies and CareMgr. Zuzana Sekeráková Búriková, PhD.
10.Institute for Sociology SASRule of law, justice and legality in public debates and political contestationsMgr. Jana Lindbloom, PhD.
11.Institute for Sociology SASWorkplaces as sites of socialization: hierarchy, agency and organizational selfMgr. Jana Lindbloom, PhD.
12.Institute for Sociology SASInstitutional trust and environmental attitudes in SlovakiaMgr. Jozef Zagrapan, PhD.
13.Institute for Sociology SASTechnological Discourse and Its BeneficiariesMgr. Dominik Želinský, PhD.
14.Institute for Sociology SASChurches as a Actor in the Public Services in Slovakiadoc. Mgr. Miroslav Tížik, PhD.
15.Institute for Sociology SASSocial and Spatial Transformations of Confessional Structure in Slovakiadoc. Mgr. Miroslav Tížik, PhD.




