Slovak Literature (full time)
Nr. | Supervising department | Topic | Supervisor |
1. | Institute of Slovak Literature SAS | Ways of forming collective identities in older Slovak literature | Mgr. Martin Braxatoris, PhD. |
2. | Institute of Slovak Literature SAS | Images of death in selected texts of old Slovak Literature | Mgr. Lenka Rišková, PhD. |
3 | Institute of Slovak Literature SAS | Images of Masculine Vitality in Slovak Romantic Literature | Mgr. Ivana Taranenková, PhD. |
4. | Institute of Slovak Literature SAS | Motherhood in 19th century Slovak literature | Mgr. Ivana Taranenková, PhD. |
5. | Institute of Slovak Literature SAS | "Enfants terribles" of Central European literature. Gejza Vámoš as a Type of Central European Writer-Philosopher | Mgr. Michal Habaj, PhD. |
6. | Institute of Slovak Literature SAS | Woman in Modernism | Mgr. Michal Habaj, PhD. |
7. | Institute of Slovak Literature SAS | The Representation of Reality in Modernism | Mgr. Tomáš Horváth, PhD. |
8. | Institute of Slovak Literature SAS | The writer/poet as a public role in the context of the first half of the 20th century | Mgr. Karol Csiba, PhD. |
9. | Institute of Slovak Literature SAS | Normalisation Prose - Prose of the Normalisation Period | doc. Mgr. Vladimír Barborík, CSc. |