Faculty of ArtsComenius University Bratislava

Slovak Literature (full time)



Nr. Supervising department Topic Supervisor
1. Institute of Slovak Literature SAS

Ways of forming collective identities in older Slovak literature

Mgr. Martin Braxatoris, PhD.
2. Institute of Slovak Literature SAS Images of death in selected texts of old Slovak Literature Mgr. Lenka Rišková, PhD.
3 Institute of Slovak Literature SAS Images of Masculine Vitality in Slovak Romantic Literature Mgr. Ivana Taranenková, PhD.
4. Institute of Slovak Literature SAS

Motherhood in 19th century Slovak literature

Mgr. Ivana Taranenková, PhD.
5. Institute of Slovak Literature SAS "Enfants terribles" of Central European literature. Gejza Vámoš as a Type of Central European Writer-Philosopher Mgr. Michal Habaj, PhD.
6. Institute of Slovak Literature SAS Woman in Modernism Mgr. Michal Habaj, PhD.
7. Institute of Slovak Literature SAS

The Representation of Reality in Modernism

Mgr. Tomáš Horváth, PhD.
8. Institute of Slovak Literature SAS The writer/poet as a public role in the context of the first half of the 20th century Mgr. Karol Csiba, PhD.
9. Institute of Slovak Literature SAS Normalisation Prose - Prose of the Normalisation Period doc. Mgr. Vladimír Barborík, CSc.


