Faculty of ArtsComenius University Bratislava

Slovak Language (Full Time)

Nr. Supervising department Topic Supervisor
1. Department of Slovak Language and Theory of Communication Inclusive communication model and development of interpretative competence in Slovak language Mgr. Miloš Horváth, PhD. 
2. Department of Slovak Language and Theory of Communication From symmetry to asymmetry in the system of inflexible parts of speech – pragmalinguistic interpretation of aflectional manifestations in Slovak language Mgr. Miloš Horváth, PhD. 
3. Department of Slovak Language and Theory of Communication Slovak stylistics in the 21st century in scientific, professional and socioscientific communication offline and online (in interactions of a selected professional field, for example linguistics, sports, healthcare, administration, business, ...) prof. PhDr. Oľga Orgoňová, CSc.
4. Department of Slovak Language and Theory of Communication Citizen science and linguistics (with a focus on the vocabulary of sociolects in particular) prof. PhDr. Oľga Orgoňová, CSc.
5. Department of Slovak Language and Theory of Communication Language Changes in the Development of Slovak from the Perspective of Historical and Variational Sociolinguistics doc. Mgr. Gabriela Múcsková, PhD.
6. Department of Slovak Language and Theory of Communication Foreign Languages in the Cultural History of the Slovak Language Community doc. Mgr. Gabriela Múcsková, PhD.
7. Ludovit Stur Institute of Linguistics SAS

Etymological analysis of a selected lexical-semantic group in Slovak

PhDr. Ľubor Králik, DSc.
8. Ludovit Stur Institute of Linguistics SAS

The research on oikonymy in relation to the settlement history

PhDr. Milan Harvalík, Ph.D.
9. Ludovit Stur Institute of Linguistics SAS

The development of urbanonymy and its linguistic analysis

PhDr. Milan Harvalík, Ph.D.
10. Ludovit Stur Institute of Linguistics SAS

Exonyms in Slovak

PhDr. Milan Harvalík, Ph.D.
11. Ludovit Stur Institute of Linguistics SAS

Language Changes in the Development of Slovak from the Perspective of Historical and Variational Sociolinguistics

doc. Mgr. Gabriela Múcsková, PhD.
12. Ludovit Stur Institute of Linguistics SAS

Foreign Languages in the Cultural History of the Slovak Language Community

doc. Mgr. Gabriela Múcsková, PhD.
13. Ludovit Stur Institute of Linguistics SAS

The development of Slovak legal terminology and pursuit of its unification after 1843

Mgr. Jana Levická, PhD.




