Slovak History (Full Time)
Nr. | Supervising department | Topic | Supervisor |
1. | Department of Archive Studies and Museology | Collection and exhibition activities of Comenius University in Bratislava | doc. PhDr. Jan Dolák, PhD. |
2. | Institute of History SAS | Criminal offences of women in Bratislava in 1714–1780 | Diana Duchoňová, PhD. |
3. | Institute of History SAS | Probe into the representation of nobility using the example of the Erdődy family in the 18th century (or another noble family after agreement with the supervisor) | Diana Duchoňová, PhD.. |
4. | Institute of History SAS | Baroque Latin Historiography: The Historical Works of Franciscus Kazy SJ (1695–1759) | Svorad Zavarský, PhD. |
5. | Institute of History SAS | A Selected Aspect or Phenomenon of History of Crime and Punishment in the Early Modern Period | Blanka Szeghyová, PhD. |
6. | Institute of History SAS | Veneral deseases as social and healthcare problem on the turn of 19th and 20th centuries on the territory of today’s Slovakia | Gabriela Dudeková Kováčová, PhD. |
7. | Institute of History SAS | Kingdom of Hungary: Origin, Changes, and Disappearance of Social Representations of Roma in Dominant Non-Roma Discourses – Social Exclusion and Inclusion | Ladislav Vörös, PhD. |
8. | Institute of History SAS | Public Space of Music Production as a Tool of Politicization in the 19th Century on the Example of Selected Places in Upper Hungary | Jana Laslavíková, PhD. |
9. | Institute of History SAS | Anti-usury people's courts in Slovakia in the years 1919–1924 | PhDr. Jaroslava Roguľová, PhD. |
10. | Institute of History SAS | German Protected Zone in Slovakia 1939–1945: The example of the district(s)... | PhDr. Michal Schvarc, PhD. |
11. | Institute of History SAS | Popular culture in the period of transformation in Slovakia | Miroslav Michela, PhD. |
12. | Institute of History SAS | The role of Zväzarm in the education of the so-called socialist youth | PhDr. Miroslav Sabol, PhD. |