Faculty of ArtsComenius University Bratislava

Slovak History (Full Time)



Nr. Supervising department Topic Supervisor
1. Department of Archive Studies and Museology Collection and exhibition activities
of Comenius University in Bratislava
doc. PhDr. Jan Dolák, PhD.
2. Institute of History SAS Criminal offences of women in Bratislava in 1714–1780 * Diana Duchoňová, PhD.
3. Institute of History SAS Probe into the representation of nobility using the example of the Erdődy family in the 18th century (or another noble family after agreement with the supervisor) * Diana Duchoňová, PhD..
4. Institute of History SAS Baroque Latin Historiography: The Historical Works of Franciscus Kazy SJ (1695–1759) * Svorad Zavarský, PhD.
5. Institute of History SAS A Selected Aspect or Phenomenon of History of Crime and Punishment in the Early Modern Period * Blanka Szeghyová, PhD.
6. Institute of History SAS Veneral deseases as social and healthcare problem on the turn of 19th and 20th centuries on the territory of today’s Slovakia * Gabriela Dudeková Kováčová, PhD.
7. Institute of History SAS Kingdom of Hungary: Origin, Changes, and Disappearance of Social Representations of Roma in Dominant Non-Roma Discourses – Social Exclusion and Inclusion * Ladislav Vörös, PhD.
8. Institute of History SAS Public Space of Music Production as a Tool of Politicization in the 19th Century on the Example of Selected Places in Upper Hungary * Jana Laslavíková, PhD.
9. Institute of History SAS Anti-usury people's courts in Slovakia in the years 1919–1924 * PhDr. Jaroslava Roguľová, PhD.
10. Institute of History SAS German Protected Zone in Slovakia 1939–1945: The example of the district(s)... * PhDr. Michal Schvarc, PhD.
11. Institute of History SAS Popular culture in the period of transformation in Slovakia * Miroslav Michela, PhD.
12. Institute of History SAS The role of Zväzarm in the education of the so-called socialist youth * PhDr. Miroslav Sabol, PhD.
* The nature of the topic allows the acceptance of more than one applicant



