Faculty of ArtsComenius University Bratislava




Nr. Topic Annotations
1. How to understand the topic of the Principality of Nitra: The current state of the issue and perspective possibilities of interpretation The topic of the Principality of Nitra has been alive in Slovak historiography since the last third of the 19th century. The interpretation of this historical issue in this period has undergone many significant changes, which can be summarised on a scale ranging from overestimation to underestimation. It also regularly receives some attention in neighbouring Czech, Hungarian, German and Polish historiographies. The aim of this dissertation is to summarize the current themes and tendencies in the research of this issue. To outline further potential possibilities of its research and to apply them into the new synthesis.
2. Political and Social Aspects of the National Court's Activities (1945 – 1947) Despite a considerable number of published works, Slovak historiography still lacks a more detailed assessment of various aspects of retributive justice in Slovakia in the years 1945-1948. The thematic framework of the dissertation offers the candidate the possibility to grasp the evaluation of the National Court's activity in 1945 – 1947 through two important aspects - political and social. The candidate will therefore be expected to take a rather demanding approach, based on research into the relationship and influence of political and social factors on the activities of the National Court and he will also have to notice the opposite influence of the trials before the National Court on the political scene and society in Slovakia (or Czechoslovakia) at that time. The candidate will thus have to carry out a very broad heuristic of archival sources, period press and memoirs, in order to arrive at relevant and new findings
3. Hand firearms from the point of view of museology The work brings the development of firearms and their use on the territory of Hungary and Slovakia. It describes their representation in Slovak museums, classification, museum documentation and presentation in museums. From a museological point of view, it analyzes and provides a comprehensive view of their acquisition, museum documentation, cataloging and storage.
4. Analysis and Edition of Chosen Mediaeval
Sources Concerning the History of Slovakia
Selected larger medieval source or a group of sources (e.g. charters on a selected topic, region, period; diplomatic books; codicological manuscripts or their fragments) should be analyzed from a classical diplomatic (or codicological) point of view (analysis of formal and content pages) and edited. Successful dissertation can become the next volume of the long-term publishing project of the Department of Archival Studies and Museology Documenta Posoniensia.
5. The role of Zväzarm in the education of the so-called socialist youth The dissertation will aim to research one of the most massive organisations in the history of Czechoslovakia after 1948, Zväzarm (Association for Cooperation with the Army). Zväzarm touched almost every citizen of the republic with its versatility and scope. The organisation's main task was to prepare the youth for the defence of the homeland. Zväzarm brought together 16 interest organisations; it covered conscription sports and technical interest activities. It was one of the organisations that mobilised the population and created the conditions for the application of leisure activities for the benefit of individuals and collectives, as well as the state and its ruling regime. At the same time, Zväzarm contributed to forming so-called socialist patriotism.
PhD candidates are expected to conduct research focused on the role of Zväzarm, namely the training of conscripts and reservists for the Czechoslovak People's Army in the specific subjects needed by the army, especially aviation, motoring, radio amateurism, diving, etc. The inclusion of Zväzarm in the framework of regime organisations and the analysis of its working methods will also be the subject of research. Future PhD candidates must submit their research project focused on a selected area, a more narrowly specified sphere of the organisation in question and the mechanisms of its functioning. Preference is also given to a comparative framework of similar organisations in the socialist bloc. Applicants are expected to have a more profound interest in recent social history, history of technology and social anthropology. A preliminary orientation in military topics is also welcome. Prerequisites are proficiency in English (min. B2), Slovak/Czech and passive knowledge of another European language.