Faculty of ArtsComenius University Bratislava

Slovak History (External)


Nr. Supervising department Topic Supervisor
1. Department of Slovak History How to understand the topic of the Principality of Nitra: The current state of the issue and perspective possibilities of interpretation prof. Mgr. Martin Homza, Dr.
2. Department of Slovak History Political and Social Aspects of the National Court's Activities (1945 – 1947) doc. Mgr. Martin Vašš, PhD.
3. Department ofArchive Studies and Museology Hand firearms from the point of view of museology doc. Mgr. Ľuboš Kačírek, PhD.
4. Department ofArchive Studies and Museology Analysis and Edition of Chosen Mediaeval
Sources Concerning the History of Slovakia
Mgr. Balázs Csiba, PhD.
5. Institute of History SAS The role of Zväzarm in the education of the so-called socialist youth PhDr. Miroslav Sabol, PhD.


