Faculty of ArtsComenius University Bratislava


Nr. Topic Annotations
1. Identity and Cultural Practices in the Post-2020 Belarusian Emigre Community

This PhD. thesis will focus on researching the post-2020 Belarusian emigre community in Central Europe and the Baltics. Employing the methodological framework of the ‘imagined communities’ theory and performativity theory, the study will analyse everyday practices, rituals, linguistic and communicative behaviours, cultural events, and individual cultural artifacts, including literary texts. The thesis aims to illuminate the processes through which the collective identity(-ies) of the Belarusian emigre community is shaped and represented.


Reflection of the Marian Cult in Croatian and Serbian Cultural Space

The aim of this dissertation is to provide a comprehensive view of the extent and nature of the Marian cult in the Croatian and Serbian cultural milieu. The starting point of the thesis will be a comparison of Marian veneration from the point of view of the Catholic and Orthodox Churches (dogmatic theology, iconography, etc.), focusing on the typical manifestations of Marian folk piety (prayers, pilgrimages, pilgrimage sites, churches, legends, rituals, songs). An important component of the work will be the interpretation of regional specificities, as well as the comparison of the two confessions in a broader historical context. The issues under study will be analysed on the basis of ethnolinguistic material and literary sources ranging from medieval to contemporary literature.