Faculty of ArtsComenius University Bratislava

Politology (Full Time)

Nr. Supervising department Topic Supervisor
1. Department of Political Science  Transformation of European security in light of new geopolitical threats prof. Jozef Bátora, MPhil., PhD.
2. Department of Political Science Blame Avoidance Strategies of National Level Authorities in Regard to Local Political and/or Administrative Issues in Slovakia doc. PhDr. Daniel Klimovský, PhD.
3. Department of Political Science Economic Performance and Electoral Success: Do Voters Take Economic Performance Into Account in Local Elections?doc. PhDr. Daniel Klimovský, PhD.

4. Department of Political Science From Russian Gas to Fertilizers: EU’s economic sovereignty, energy dependence, and food security. doc. Mgr. Matúš Mišík, PhD.
5. Department of Political Science Double just transition: Green meets digital at the regional level doc. Mgr. Matúš Mišík, PhD.


